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Evaluation and self-assessment of the work done. Personnel certification

One of the largest consumers of corporate trainings and other educational products in recent years has been the service sector. True, the quality of domestic service is still growing slowly, disproportionate to the cost of staff training. There are many reasons for this - it all depends on the calculation method. But I think it will be enough to talk about two, because they are basic (all the rest stem from them and are secondary in nature). They are called “low self-esteem” and “fight mindset.”

People with low self-esteem, or, more simply, insecure, live in all countries, but, with sadness and regret, we must admit that we have more of them. How does this fact affect the problem of the efficiency of personnel providing services to the population?

From Orwell to the present day

Once upon a time, half a century before the events he imagined, the English writer J. Orwell, in his dystopian novel “1984,” described the qualities of an ordinary person who had to be born and raised in a totalitarian society:

  • low self-esteem of citizens
  • fear of change and resistance to it
  • opposition and intolerance towards members of other groups: “rich-poor”, “intellectual workers”, “city-rural”, “men-women”, “power-people”, etc.

The forecast and actual characteristics coincided.

Help: People with low self-esteem are distinguished by the fact that they:

  • have a feeling of self-pity, the “poor me, unhappy me” syndrome
  • blame others for your problems
  • have an increased need for attention and approval, while asking for it is prohibited
  • have difficulties with decision making, choice, responsibility
  • often wear false masks that protect their essence and, as a result, lack of openness in relationships
  • are sensitive to criticism
  • energy is spent not on self-development, but on self-defense and justification of being right
  • not active (don't move and you won't feel your chains)

Let's look at a couple: a person consuming a service and a person providing it.

“According to Orwell,” they immediately fall into 2 “risk groups”: Firstly, they are “not ours” in relation to each other; secondly, it is possible that the service process may be aggravated by low self-esteem on both sides (after all, self-esteem is like everyone has a fever).

Of course, “there” service, as one of the foundations of the economy, has long been studied from all angles. And surveys of customer service in the countries where our tourists love to vacation show: the waiters and salespeople there, as well as, by the way, their employers, are overwhelmingly convinced that good service can only be built on the principle of equality between the client and those who serve him . However, the issue of equality and respect for each other is “not a question” for them.

Let's look at this in comparison - after all, it is in comparison that everything is known.

In several European capitals, salespeople were asked: “What does it mean to you to “preserve your professional face” in a conflict with a client? Of course, the Italians and the British answered differently, but in the “Central European” version the answers were still distributed as follows:

  • If you managed to correct the client’s mood,
  • If you managed to maintain the client’s desire to come to the store again,
  • If you manage to maintain the client’s sense of self-worth,
  • If you managed to resolve the conflict at your level, without passing it to the top.

“Ours” answered the same question differently:

  • If you didn't have to apologize
  • If I proved him wrong
  • If I have the last word

Let us sharpen our reasoning: we grew up in an environment where serving someone means “losing face.” Nothing has changed over the past 10-11 years. (Or rather, a lot has changed in the goods market, but not in the service sector). Except that life has forced many young people to come to terms with the fact that there is no place for them anywhere but for them. They go there without much desire, preparing in advance “if anything happens, to put the client in his place.”

No one will help business owners except themselves

And yet, there are some practical tips for how owners and managers of service businesses can begin to re-educate their staff - for the common good.

First. The simplest advice, heard a million times, but no less relevant (after all, repetition is the mother of learning): carefully select personnel when hiring. By hiring a family man, especially a man willing to work for $100 a month, you are very likely creating future problems for yourself. A mature, self-respecting family man cannot work for that kind of money, it’s suspicious!

Do not hire those who are nervous, inattentive in conversation, or irritable (after all, this work can well be called harmful for people like them.).

Second. Based on the results of the surveys, it is very clear that our compatriots are mixing personal and professional roles. That is, “I serve the client as an employee of the enterprise, but I quarrel with him as a private person.” There is only one way out - psychological support for employees, training and “growing up”.

Third. Let your corporate culture protect your employees and promote their respect for themselves and their customers, thereby increasing their self-esteem. Centuries-old experience shows that it is possible to raise a person’s self-esteem only by making him the master of a certain “own space”, where entry is allowed only with his consent. It is good if the employee is behind the counter or counter. If the equipment of the hall does not provide for the organization of such spaces, you can come up with something else. For example, a computer on the sales floor, from which sellers find out information about warehouse balances, or a utility cabinet at the disposal of one waiter.

Fourth. Reward loyal employees. Each employee must win clients for his company, trying to make them permanent and committed. The company spends 6-8 times less on such clients than on new ones (savings on advertising costs, pre-sales services, free recommendations from their mouths). This is especially true in our culture, where people trust recommendations from friends more than advertising. Anyone who does this while maintaining corporate identity and service standards is a loyal employee. And the owner must definitely encourage those who comply with corporate standards. How? The easiest way, of course, is money...

If there really is no money, encourage the best employee non-materially:

  • involve him in discussing the situation, prospects and strategy of the company, so that he has more reason to worry about the company and its future, and a little less about himself;
  • take more interest in his work so that he constantly feels the importance of his activities for the company and the interested attention of management;
  • help the best employee become an informal leader by providing him with information that is interesting to his fellow workers;
  • formally approve some reasonable privileges for him, for example, the right to work on a flexible schedule, use of infrastructure intended for management;
  • pay attention to the subordinate's family so that they know and are proud of how valued they are at work;
  • take care of his workplace so that he is warm, light and calm (for example, if he smokes, then there is a suitable place for this nearby, and if he does not smoke, so that no one smokes near him);
  • establish closer human relations with him, for which you can periodically have lunch with him;
  • make him a “senior” and “mentor” to one of the younger employees;
  • Celebrate his birthday in the team so that he feels valuable to his colleagues.

And, finally, something that cannot be avoided: the careless must be punished. Let your establishment have a transparent and well-known system of fines - for failure to comply with customer requirements, for complaints expressed by them. A common thing in the management of service enterprises is the imposition of fines for words like “I repeat again,” “I explain in Russian,” “I can’t help,” “Am I to blame?” etc. Are you interested in how you find out about this? You will definitely find out if you arrange feedback from clients - after all, for them, the company’s portrait is associated with the portrait of your employee, and you don’t want your image to have a low rating.

P.S. Working with people requires creativity (finding non-standard solutions), flexibility (the ability to refuse rigid options), the ability to see a situation through the eyes of other people, and other difficult skills that a person with low self-esteem needs. those. it is practically inaccessible to the psychologically immature. Ignoring social stereotypes leads to the loss of the “face of the company,” and understanding and working with them will improve not only the promotion of your product, but also the general culture of our market.

Galina Sivkova for The Chief magazine

  • Galina Sivkova is an international conflict specialist.
  • Member of the St. Petersburg Guild of Psychotherapy and Training,
  • member of the international conflict resolution organization "White Flag"
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Self-esteem is a process in which an individual evaluates himself according to indicators such as performance, the presence of certain skills and abilities, and other characteristics. Companies use self-assessment as part of a 360-degree assessment system and take it into account when making decisions.

The questions that arise are whether such an assessment is objective and can provide the necessary information to human resource managers.


Individuals often self-assess their own skills, abilities and performance during the workday. This self-assessment determines how they perform their own work, how they evaluate the remuneration due to them, the need for additional training, and how their results compare with their peers. However, this assessment is not accurate and objective. Research shows that if you compare several assessments received from different people with each other, it turns out that the individual being assessed about himself is very different from the assessments received from his colleagues. In addition, some individuals have much better self-esteem compared to others. However, research shows that those who conduct accurate self-assessments perform better and move up the corporate ladder faster. On the other hand, those who have low self-esteem also have low performance.

Factors that contribute to proper self-esteem

  • Be a woman! Men are more likely than women to improve their self-esteem, while women are more open to accepting negative feedback.
  • Be young! Older workers prefer to inflate their self-esteem because they believe that they do not need feedback and already know enough to be taught.
  • Be smart! More intelligent individuals give more accurate self-assessments, perhaps because they have better memory or better integrate information about themselves.
  • Have low self-esteem! Individuals with a developed sense of self-esteem are not always ready to perceive negative feedback.
  • Get more direct feedback! Any sources of feedback will help the individual increase the accuracy of self-assessment.

    Filling self-esteem

    The biggest problem with self-assessment is that it is overestimated. Thus, individuals evaluate themselves higher than they actually are. For example, among high-level professionals, 80% placed themselves in the top 10% of their peers in the work category. The problem of inflated self-esteem lies in the following areas:

  • Individuals are convinced that their rewards are too low.
  • Individuals have difficulty accepting negative or constructive criticism.
  • The individual does not see the need for his own change or development.

    What can be done to improve the accuracy of self-assessment?

  • Provide feedback. Most companies provide their managers with anonymous feedback from their peers based on the results of 360 degree assessments. Research has shown that this technique can reduce future discrepancies between self-assessment and assessments from colleagues.
  • Encourage feedback seeking. Top managers must help create a positive environment for feedback within the organization.
  • Organize trainings. Often, warning individuals against inflating their self-esteem leads to more accurate results.
  • Provide normative groups. Individuals must be allowed to compare their performance, abilities and skills with others.
  • Ask individuals' permission to publish self-assessment results. Employees are less likely to inflate their self-assessments if they know they will be seen by their peers.

    Using self-assessment when conducting assessments (personnel assessments)

    There are three main ways to use self-assessment when conducting personnel assessments:

  • The manager and employee are assessed together. In a joint assessment, both the appraisee and his supervisor independently fill out the same form. After completing the questionnaire, they meet to compare the results and discuss any discrepancies in the assessments.
  • The manager and employee conduct a joint assessment. In this case, the manager and the employee meet to discuss the employee's previous performance. They then come to agreements on how the employee will be formally evaluated on the appraisal form. This approach may not be applicable in hierarchical/traditional structures.
  • Self-esteem only. In this case, the employee himself fills out the evaluation form and submits it to the manager, who could change the ratings that he considers incorrect.

    Benefits of Using Self-Assessment

  • Employees feel that the process is fair.
  • Provides tools that increase communication during the assessment process.
  • Highlights differences in opinion between employee and evaluator.
  • Employees are forced to analyze their own performance results before an interview with a manager.
  • Provides more information about employee performance.

    Disadvantages of Using Self-Assessment

  • The employee can expect that his grades will be final and will go into his personnel file.
  • Managers/workers may feel that their authority/role is being questioned.
  • Employees may deliberately inflate ratings if they think that this will force the manager to give higher scores.
  • 4. Contribution to. Wundt in the formation of psychology as an independent science. Creation of psychophysics. (Mr. Fechner).
  • 5. Influence of ideas of I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov on the formation of domestic psychology
  • 6. Contribution by V.M. Bekhterev in the development of Russian psychology
  • 7. Contribution James in the development of psychological science
  • 8. Behaviorism and neobehaviorism (J. Watson, E. Tolman, B. Skinner, etc.)
  • 9. Psychoanalysis (3. Freud, K. Jung, A. Adler, K. Horney, etc.)
  • 10. Gestalt psychology (M. Wertheimer, V. Koehler, K. Koffka, K. Levin, etc.).
  • 11. Cultural-historical psychology (ji.C. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev).
  • 12. Humanistic psychology (A. Maslow, K. Rogers, etc.).
  • 14. Types of sensations. Human sensory organization (according to B.G. Ananyev).
  • 15. Psychophysical problem (Weber-Fechner and Stevens laws). Types of thresholds and sensitivity.
  • 17. Sphere of secondary images. Representations of memory and imagination. Empirical characteristics of the image of representation and their comparison with the characteristics of the image of perception.
  • 18. Memory as an end-to-end mental process: its functions, types and processes.
  • 19. Basic characteristics of memory and methods of their research.
  • 20. Factors and ways to increase the efficiency of memorization.
  • 21. Attention, its characteristics and methods of their diagnosis.
  • 22. The operational nature of thinking as a process of reflecting connections and relationships. Types of thinking. Phases of the thought process. Types of mental operations.
  • 23. Development of thinking in ontogenesis: comparative analysis of the empirical characteristics of pre-conceptual and conceptual thinking (according to L.M. Wekker)
  • 24. The concepts of egocentrism and decentration in Jean Piaget’s staged concept of intelligence.
  • 25. Stages of concept formation (according to L.S. Vygotsky). Methods of research and diagnostics of conceptual thinking.
  • 26. Relationships between thinking and speech. The role of inner speech in the process of thinking. Methods for studying inner speech.
  • 27. Language and speech: types of speech and its functions.
  • 28. Emotions: their physiological mechanisms and psychological functions. Psychological theories of emotion
  • 29. Classification of emotions. Emotions and feelings.
  • 31. Mental states and their classification.
  • 32. Diagnostic and prognostic capabilities of intellectual testing (brief description of the main intellectual tests).
  • 33. The concept of creativity. Divergent and convergent thinking.
  • 34. Will as the highest level of mental regulation. Basic theories of will.
  • 60. Features of selection and placement of personnel
  • 62. Employee self-esteem. Interpersonal interaction in a team.
  • 63. Motivation for achievements in management psychology
  • 64. Factors influencing labor efficiency
  • 65. Conflict in the workforce. Organizational and managerial conflict
  • 16. Characteristics of the image of perception: objectivity, integrity, constancy, generality.
  • 30. Ways to manage emotions. Defense mechanisms and coping behavior.
  • 35. Mental regulation of movements. Levels of construction of movements according to N.A. Bernstein. Action acceptor p.K. Anokhina.
  • 36. Neurodynamic, constitutional, age and gender characteristics of a person.
  • 37. Temperament: nature, properties and typologies.
  • 38. Character: properties, determination, formation.
  • 39. Theories of types and character traits. Character accents.
  • 40. Abilities: nature, typology, formation and development.
  • 41. Personality orientation. Needs, motives, motivation. Value orientations.
  • 42. The concepts of “individual”, “personality”, “subject of activity”, “individuality” in the integrated approach of B.G. Ananyeva.
  • 43. Development of consciousness and self-awareness in ontogenesis. Functions of self-awareness: self-knowledge, self-attitude and self-regulation.
  • 44. “I-concept”: structure, stages of formation, functions and defense mechanisms.
  • 45. Personality as a system of relationships in the Leningrad psychological school (V.M. Bekhterev, A.F. Lazursky, V.N. Myasishchev).
  • 62. Employee self-esteem. Interpersonal interaction in a team.

    Self-esteem is a process in which an individual evaluates himself on indicators such as performance, the presence of certain skills and abilities, and other characteristics. Companies use self-assessment as part of a 360-degree assessment system and take it into account when making decisions. Individuals often self-assess their own skills, abilities and performance during the workday. This self-assessment determines how they perform their own work, how they evaluate the remuneration due to them, the need for additional training, and how their results compare with their peers. However, this assessment is not accurate and objective. Research shows that if you compare several assessments received from different people with each other, it turns out that the individual being assessed about himself is very different from the assessments received from his colleagues. Some individuals have much better self-esteem than others. Those who conduct accurate self-assessments perform better and move up the career ladder faster. Those who have low self-esteem also have low performance. The biggest problem with self-assessment is that it is overestimated. Individuals value themselves higher than they really are. Among high-level professionals, 80% placed themselves in the top 10% of their peers in the work category. The problem of inflated self-esteem lies in the following areas: individuals are convinced that their rewards are too low; individuals have difficulty accepting negative or constructive criticism; the individual does not see the need for his own change or development

    Interpersonal interaction is a constantly operating factor in the communication of members in a team. In the process of communication in a team, a kind of common bank of ideas, methods and techniques for solving specific problems is created, which are used in joint activities to solve new problems. Business communication contributes not only to the solution of purely utilitarian problems, but also to the spiritual mutual enrichment of those communicating, since it is in the process of joint activity and communication that both the professional and social capacity of each individual person is most clearly manifested. Depending on the degree of a person’s involvement in a relationship, three types are distinguished: social-role communication, during which the individual learns social norms; business communication, uniting people on the basis of common activities, common interests of the business; intimate and personal communication, which presupposes special psychological closeness, empathy for a communication partner, and penetration into his inner world. To facilitate the establishment of psychological contact with another person, the employee should take into account what kind of communication he is striving for and what level of understanding is expected on his part. The ability to choose the type and manner of communication, to bring the expression of one’s emotions and one’s behavior into line with them, as well as with the behavior of other people, is one of the necessary conditions for team cohesion. A community of views on fundamental issues is formed in the team, which determines all subsequent interactions of subjects of joint activity, their strategy of behavior, i.e. a common position is formed, which contributes to the integration of employees into a single social whole. Only in such cases is the team able to successfully solve problems of a complexity that corresponds to the level of competence of its members. The behavior of participants in joint activities is determined by their objective interdependence, which constitutes a necessary condition for any interaction. Complete information about the operating conditions stimulates cooperation and the desire to help each other. It is only important to objectively take into account the interests of each employee, try to take his place, look at the state of affairs through his eyes in order to understand whether the proposed way to solve the problem does not contradict his interests. So, in business communication you need: sincere cooperation; awareness of everything related to achieving the goal; optimal behavior style.

    Employee: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

    Diagnostic date: 06/13/08

    I. Employee competencies

    1. Leadership. Organizational skills

    Tends to be self-reliant and independent. Strives to influence what is happening, to the position of a “creative” leader who determines intellectual values. Development prospects increase activity. Having felt a sincere interest in the matter, he is able to show very high energy, which others will feel. In this case, it can act as an organizer for a limited period of time. However, he may not always make informed decisions and may shirk responsibility. Due to emotional vulnerability, instability in managing people is possible. Recognizing him as a significant and respected person is an important component of a sense of well-being and success. At this time, it is not recommended for promotion to leadership positions.

    2. Intellectual sphere and creative potential

    Has high intelligence. He thinks brightly, lively and extraordinary. Experiences creative excitement when solving interesting problems, and knows how to find a non-standard way to solve them. Sees the prospects of ideas and tasks. Cognitive thinking is developed. Has good abilities for logical analysis. His intellect finds the best use in the scientific and cognitive sphere. Can carry out theoretical developments in innovative areas. The level of verbal culture is low, can be verbose, and is not always able to clearly explain one’s position.

    3. Business qualities. Purposefulness, ways and means of achieving the goal. Activity, vitality

    Strives for development and self-realization. Has healthy pragmatism. High but unstable activity and performance. While performing work, one may lose interest if the task is solved at a theoretical level, and the remaining work is perceived as a routine. If he is interested in this work, he may deny himself rest and relaxation. Persistent in achieving his goals, he can go towards them, sacrificing the interests of others. At this stage, goals are not always well understood. Able to switch from one type of activity to another. May not complete tasks and cannot concentrate on one task for a long time. Not afraid of risky situations. May take on matters that do not correspond to his competence, without realizing responsibility. Ignores consequences. Sometimes he may show a “teenage” dislike for generally accepted authorities.

    4. Teamwork. Emotional-volitional sphere. Self-esteem. Conflict. Stress resistance

    Able to work in a team provided there is a friendly atmosphere, mutual understanding, respect and recognition of his value as a generator of ideas. Relies more on his own opinion, impressions or fantasies, not always being able to adequately and critically evaluate them. Does not give in to influence; when exposed to external pressure, it can produce a reaction of protest or withdraw into itself. Needs a feeling of freedom.
    Unsolved problem of self-affirmation. Interests are focused on oneself, there is a lack of sensitivity and empathy. Critical of life and others. Prone to taking offense. It can strain relationships and complicate joint problem solving.
    He considers himself unique in some way. Self-esteem is high, but unstable, and largely depends on the results of activities and the attention and respect of others. He does not turn a blind eye to his own shortcomings, sometimes he takes criticism addressed to him painfully, but he takes it into account and cares about his public reputation. He can give unexpected reactions on occasions that may seem insignificant from the outside, and, on the contrary, he perceives some serious failures with composure.
    In difficult and extreme situations, he is able to maintain clarity of thought, act quickly, actively and expediently. With prolonged stress, one may underestimate one’s own condition, so over time the level of stress resistance may decrease. Low level of emotional endurance, however, in a stressful situation such a person becomes emotionally unresponsive. This allows you not to be distracted from work, but problems may arise in relationships with people.

    5. Communication skills. Contact. Openness-closedness

    Willingness to communicate, friendliness, ability to persuade. Tries to work and be among people. Knows how to find compromises. The “social sense” is not sufficiently developed and may not adhere to rules and hierarchy in communication. Direct, may be incorrect. Can become isolated and withdraw into oneself if it is not possible to build harmonious relationships with others. Rash steps and abrupt actions are possible. Some people instantly inspire sympathy, some - sharp rejection. Feels the need for a large number of contacts. He is in search of recognition, loves to be in the center of events. The craving for communication is opposed by the craving for solitude, which is sometimes felt very strongly.

    6. Vulnerabilities and methods of compensation

    He perceives close relationships idealistically, wants to consider them unshakable, and is afraid of disappointment. Lack of recognition can be perceived as disrespect, leading to defensiveness. Emotionally vulnerable. To protect himself, he keeps his distance. It is difficult to achieve conflict-free relationships, and it is difficult to take a creative approach to building them. Currently inclined towards maximalism. To compensate for vulnerabilities, it is necessary to establish clear rules of interaction and explain the motives for people’s actions.

    II. Employee management and career planning

    1. Motivation. The main resource for self-realization, ways to replenish it

    New interesting ideas, contacts, the opportunity to achieve visible results, respect from colleagues and management. Emphasizing his personal uniqueness and the uniqueness of the business in which he is engaged. Demonstration of amenities, benefits and pleasant aspects of work. With a clear statement of the task and deadlines, give the opportunity to independently distribute your resources.

    2. Conditions for effective work

    • Clearly set the task, stipulating technologies and rules, recording agreements in writing;
    • require specific wording;
    • criticism must be present hidden, in the form of an analysis of the situation;
    • monitor intermediate results and, if necessary, remind of agreements;
    • build working relationships based on mutual respect, create a psychologically favorable atmosphere;
    • set clear deadlines, preferably with reserves;
    • if possible, it is best to provide a flexible work schedule and avoid excessive formalism;
    • does not require systematic execution of tasks; he is able to cope with work in time pressure situations;
    • listen to his opinion regarding new opportunities for business development, construction/reorganization of various systems, classifications, etc.;
    • take into account that he can present important information in the form of a joke or irony.

    3. Don’t demand or expect

    • Punctuality and diligence;
    • consistency and completeness;
    • constant order in the workplace;
    • veneration;
    • high-quality performance of routine work;
    • conducting diplomatic negotiations;
    • the ability to gently adapt to the interlocutor and the ability to subtly sense his reaction.

    4. Career planning

    It is desirable that the work be interesting for him, provide him with a variety of impressions, include new contacts, and the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. He can do active work and go on business trips with pleasure. Assign to work related to exploring opportunities, generating ideas, collecting information, finding ways out of non-standard situations, analysis, and project development.
    The most acceptable strategy at the moment is to build a career “horizontally”. Following it, a specialist methodically improves his professional level, striving to become an expert, a “master” in his field.

    III. Conclusion

    High creativity, activity, efficiency, quick switching, and the desire for high achievements are important factors for an employee’s good performance. Can carry out theoretical developments in various fields, generate ideas and practically implement them. However, some specificity of thinking and behavior, demonstrativeness and individualism can interfere with work productivity and relationships in the team.
    The situation can be improved by creating suitable working conditions for him, which will either completely satisfy him or convince him to compromise and adjust his behavior. Awareness of the prospects in a given place, control and clear agreements will make it possible to streamline its activities, leading to greater productivity and effectiveness.



    annotation scientific article on psychological sciences, author of the scientific work - Frolov A.A.

    The article examines the relationship between types of self-esteem and levels legal self-awareness personality. Theoretical analysis of self-esteem research allows us to consider it not only as part of the self-concept, self-awareness and central personal formation, but also as a significant component legal self-awareness. The type of self-esteem is determined by integrating characteristics according to the level and degree of adequacy. Personal subjective level legal self-awareness individual respondents acted as a generalized characteristic of the corresponding level of legal consciousness of a separate group. The sample was made up of law enforcement officers as a special category of the population, whose professional activities are directly related to the law enforcement sphere, extreme conditions, as well as high physical and intellectual stress. Representativeness is ensured by sufficient gender, age and professional (experience, length of service) characteristics of respondents. The empirical part of the study contains self-esteem diagnostic data, legal self-awareness, individual personal and behavioral characteristics of the surveyed employees. The reliability of the results obtained is ensured by methods of mathematical and statistical analysis. A clear relationship has been identified between certain types of self-esteem and levels legal self-awareness the higher the type of self-esteem, the higher the level legal self-awareness, with the exception of inappropriately high and low types of self-esteem. The identified combinations made it possible to identify distinctive behavioral characteristics, as well as the intrapersonal determinants that form them. The results obtained make it possible not only to predict the success of the performance of official duties by employees of internal affairs bodies, but also to contribute to the development of their moral qualities, generally increasing the effectiveness of psychological support for the operational activities of law enforcement agencies.

    Related topics scientific works on psychological sciences, author of the scientific work - Frolov A.A.

    • Self-esteem and basic beliefs of the individual: the content of the relationship and features of the study

      2018 / Fomenko G.Yu., Frolov A.A.
    • Service loyalty of employees as a scientific problem and a factor in ensuring safety and efficiency in the functioning of the penal system

      2016 / Stanislav Viktorovich Gornostaev
    • Development of semantic self-regulation as the basis for professional health of law enforcement officers

      2015 / Ryabova Maria Gennadievna
    • Individual legal consciousness as a personal phenomenon in the context of educational activities

      2016 / Gavrina Elena Evgenievna, Simakova Tatyana Aleksandrovna
    • Psychology of the image of a police officer: status and possible positive dynamics

      2018 / Tsvetkov Vyacheslav Lazarevich, Anufrieva Daria Alexandrovna
    • 2019 / Tsvetkov Vyacheslav Lazarevich, Kuzmina Elena Alexandrovna
    • Psychological culture as a component of the professional culture of a law enforcement entity in the law enforcement sphere

      2017 / Kozhevnikov Vladimir Valentinovich, Karavaev Alexander Fedorovich
    • Individual characteristics of the legal consciousness of employees of the penal system

      2016 / Gavrina Elena Evgenievna, Kostyuk Yulia Anatolyevna, Simakova Tatyana Aleksandrovna
    • Legal awareness of the personality of those sentenced to life imprisonment as an object of correctional influence (on the example of the Republic of Belarus)

      2015 / Stukanov V.G.
    • Features of self-awareness of persons with neurotic disorders

      2017 / Ivanova Irina Anatolyevna, Kuimova Natalya Nikolaevna, Kornienko Nadezhda Alekseevna, Tarasyuk Alexandra Alexandrovna

    The research of interrelation between types of self-esteem and levels of legal consciousness of law enforcement officers

    The article dwells on interconnection of types of self-esteem and levels of legal consciousness of an individual. Theoretical analysis of self-esteem studies permits to consider it not only as a part of the self-concept, self-consciousness and central formation of individuality, but also as a significant component of legal consciousness. Type of self-esteem is defined by means of integrating characteristics of the equal level and degree of validity. Individual subjective level of legal consciousness of definite respondents served as a generalized characteristic of the corresponding level of legal consciousness of the group. The test sample consisted of law enforcement officers representing a special category of population, whose work is directly connected with law enforcement sphere, extremeness, as well as significant physical and intellectual stress. Representativeness is ensured by sufficient gender, age and professional (experience, length of service) characteristics array of the respondents. The empirical part of the research contains the data on self-esteem diagnostics, legal consciousness, individual and personal features of the officers under research. The validity of the obtained results is ensured by the methods of mathematical and statistical analysis. A clear dependence between certain types of self-esteem and levels of legal consciousness was revealed: the higher the type of self-assessment is, the higher the level of legal consciousness appears, except the cases of inadequately high or low types of self-esteem . The detected combinations allowed defining distinctive behavioral patterns, as well as the intrapersonal determinants that form them. The obtained results permit not only to forecast how successful officers of internal affairs bodies will be in performing duty but also to facilitate the development of them moral and ethical characteristics, thus increasing the effectiveness of psychological follow through of official activities of law enforcement bodies.

    Text of scientific work on the topic “Study of the relationship between types of self-esteem and levels of legal self-awareness of the personality of law enforcement officers”


    Frolov A. A.

    Frolov Alexey Anatolyevich, Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 350005, Russia, Krasnodar, st. Yaroslavskaya, 128.

    Email mail: [email protected]

    The article examines the relationship between types of self-esteem and levels of legal self-awareness of an individual. Theoretical analysis of studies of self-esteem allows us to consider it not only as part of the self-concept, self-awareness and central personal formation, but also as a significant component of legal self-awareness. The type of self-esteem is determined by integrating characteristics according to the level and degree of adequacy. The personal subjective level of legal self-awareness of individual respondents acted as a generalized characteristic of the corresponding level of legal consciousness of a separate group. The sample was made up of law enforcement officers as a special category of the population, whose professional activities are directly related to the law enforcement sphere, extreme conditions, as well as high physical and intellectual stress. Representativeness is ensured by sufficient gender, age and professional (experience, length of service) characteristics of respondents. The empirical part of the study contains diagnostic data on self-esteem, legal self-awareness, individual personal and behavioral characteristics of the surveyed employees. The reliability of the results obtained is ensured by methods of mathematical and statistical analysis. A clear relationship has been identified between certain types of self-esteem and levels of legal self-awareness - the higher the type of self-esteem, the higher the level of legal self-awareness, with the exception of inadequately high and low types of self-esteem. The identified combinations made it possible to identify distinctive behavioral characteristics, as well as the intrapersonal determinants that form them. The results obtained make it possible not only to predict the success of the performance of official duties by employees of internal affairs bodies, but also to contribute to the development of their moral qualities, generally increasing the effectiveness of psychological support for the operational activities of law enforcement agencies. Key words: self-esteem, self-awareness, legal self-awareness, personality, moral qualities, violations of discipline and the rule of law.

    The field of study of self-esteem is one of the most complex areas in personality psychology. At the moment, there are a large number of different theories of self-esteem, views on its nature, development, and methods of its research. Some of them have similarities in the interpretation of terminology, while others contain new features of its study. At the same time, despite

    In view of the existing versatility and diversity of research in this area, the greatest interest and value at present are studies that have an applied practical orientation. The trends in the science of psychology in recent decades have been seriously concentrated on the most popular areas of an individual’s life. In this connection, along with the gender and age characteristics of the studied categories of the population, such characteristics as type of activity, degree of extremeness, health status, etc. have become relevant. This made it possible to increase not only the variety of areas of application of psychological knowledge, but also generally contributed to their systematization, rethinking, updating and development. Taking this aspect into account, our study of the relationship between self-esteem and legal self-awareness of law enforcement officers was constructed.

    Self-esteem represents an individual's judgments about the meaning or significance of his own actions, personality traits and behavior in general. Acting as part of the self-concept and self-awareness, self-esteem is considered as a central, relatively independent formation, representing the value-semantic system of the individual. In addition, self-esteem is the fundamental basis of a person’s individuality, which determines both his internal values ​​and the general system of ideas about the world around him (Borozdina, 1999; Meshcheryakov, Zinchenko, 2009).

    A comprehensive study of self-esteem is of interest to us in the context of its relationship with self-awareness and its structural component, legal consciousness. The legal self-awareness of an individual is an internal (immanent) mechanism of all his conscious activity, which carries out the perception and assessment of socio-cultural and legal reality, forming on their basis the corresponding legal plans and claims, legal feelings and motives that determine the choice of moral and value guidelines for one’s own actions, actions and behavior in general towards oneself and other people. Self-awareness is a form of personal perception of consciousness, and the form of personal perception of the sphere of legal consciousness is legal self-awareness. Based on the results of the analysis of the concept and content of legal self-awareness, it is logical to assume that the main elements of its structure are the components of legal consciousness - the cognitive sphere (self-knowledge), emotional-evaluative and behavioral. The content of each has a more differentiated context, taking into account the personal-subjective refraction. Further, we came to the conclusion that the categories “legal self-awareness - legal consciousness” are inextricably linked from the particular to the whole. In addition, the categories “legal self-awareness - self-awareness” and “legal awareness - consciousness” are in the same codependency, determining the structural arrangement of the categories vertically and horizontally. In this connection, diagnosing the personal subjective level

    legal consciousness of individual employees, we obtain a generalized description of the corresponding level of legal consciousness of a certain group (Spirkin, 1972; Chesnokova, 1977; Duisenbekov, 2001).

    This conclusion led to the inclusion of employees of internal affairs bodies as respondents in our sample as a special socio-legal category of the population for which service conditions are associated with extremes, which determines not only increased demands on the employee’s personality from society and the state in the context of performing professional tasks, but and obliges the employees themselves to maintain a high standard of personal qualities and an example of legal and moral behavior (Ryabikina, Fomenko, 2010; Stolyarenko, 2001). The size of the study group was 400 people. from the main divisions and services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system (EUR, PDN, IVS, STSI, OK, UUM, LRR, IVS, PPS, OVO) (Frolov, 2014). Representativeness is ensured by the participation of both men and women, as well as a wide age threshold - from 18 to 48 years. The following research methods were used:

    - “personal self-esteem” by O. I. Motkov, in a modification of the methodology of B. A. Sosnovsky (Sosnovsky, 1979);

    - “study of personality self-esteem” by S. A. Budassi (Nikireeva, 2007);

    - “basic self-esteem scale” by T. Judge and J. Bono (Sugonyaev, 2010);

    - “scale of basic beliefs” by R. Yanoff-Bulman in a modification of the methodology of M. A. Padun and A. V. Kotelnikova (Padun, Kotelnikova, 2008);

    - “determination of propensity for deviant behavior” by A. N. Orla (Clayberg, 2004);

    R. Cattell's multifactorial personality technique 16 PF (B1x1een Re^opaShu Bayog OieShppacke) (Kapustina, 2007);

    Methodology for studying the features of legal and moral consciousness based on the analysis of moral and legal judgments by L. Kohlberg and J. L. Tapp, modified by M. I. Volovikova and adapted by O. N. Nikolaeva (Tapp, Kohlberg, 1971; Nikolaeva, 1995; Volovikova, 2004);

    Quantitative and qualitative analysis of committed violations of discipline and the rule of law according to the author’s questionnaire (results of professional activities of police officers) (Frolov, 2013).

    Methods of mathematical and statistical analysis were applied using the IBM® SPSS® Statistics 22 package (StatisticalPackage for SocialScience) with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson correlation analysis and factor analysis.

    The obtained empirical data on the types of self-esteem were correlated with the levels of legal self-awareness and types of penalties of respondents. As


    "employees for each group,

    Inadequate Low Average High Inadequate

    low self-esteem self-esteem overestimated self-esteem



    Rice. 1. Distribution of self-esteem study results

    The main type of self-esteem was represented by integrated characteristics in terms of level and degree of adequacy. Subsequently, five groups of employees were identified: with inadequately low, low, average, high and inadequately inflated self-esteem. The general arrangement of the results of the self-esteem study by group corresponded to the normal distribution curve, which confirmed the reliability of the data obtained (Fig. 1).

    The specification of the levels of legal awareness of respondents is as follows.

    At the first (minimum) level are employees who claim that laws prevent crime and ensure the physical safety of citizens. They follow the law, submitting to the authority of authority or to avoid punishment.

    Employees belonging to the second level (middle) believe that laws maintain social order by ensuring the fulfillment of the correct roles and meeting the expectations of society. To avoid chaos and anarchy, the law must be respected until it is repealed in due course, even if the law is unjust.

    The third level of “lawmaking” (the highest) is reached only by those people for whom legal norms are an expression of their own moral principles. They consciously distinguish between the values ​​of social order and universal human ethics, the requirements of specific laws and principles of justice.

    The results of the study of legal self-awareness were as follows (Fig. 2): 32.4% of the surveyed employees were classified as the first level of legal self-awareness, 61.6% of the respondents were classified as the second level, and 6% of the respondents were classified as the third level.

    We also grouped the types of penalties received by employees by degree of significance: the first group - the absence of penalties during the period of service,

    Legal self-awareness Fig. 2. Analysis of the legal self-awareness of police officers

    Rice. 3. Analysis of penalties against police officers

    the second group (minor offense) - the presence of a penalty of the type "reprimand", the third group (serious offense) - the presence of a penalty of the type "severe reprimand" or two reprimands, the fourth group (misdemeanor of maximum severity) - the presence of a penalty of the type "incomplete official compliance" or three and more penalties of different levels. The following empirical data were obtained (Fig. 3): 65.8% of the respondents of the entire sample were classified into the first group, 24.2% into the second group, 6.5% into the third, and 3.5% were included into the fourth.

    Having compared the results of the distribution by levels of legal self-awareness and groups by the number of violations in the field of discipline and legality, we came to the following (Fig. 4).

    Thus we get:

    Employees belonging to the first level of development of legal self-awareness, more than others, receive penalties that fall into the category of serious and maximum severity;

    Employees belonging to the second level of development of legal self-awareness, more than others, receive penalties related to the category of non-

    H1 group

    H 2 group

    ■ Group 3

    ■ Group 4

    Level 1

    Level 2

    Level 3

    Rice. 4. Correlation between levels of legal awareness and the number of penalties

    police officers

    to a significant extent, but also receive penalties classified as serious and maximum severity;

    Employees belonging to the third level of development of legal self-awareness do not receive penalties of the maximum severity category, and there is also a predisposition to the absence of penalties at all.

    These conclusions were confirmed by mathematical processing methods: a negative relationship was recorded between the levels of legal self-awareness and violations of discipline and legality (r = -0.223, p< 0,01), чем выше уровень правового самосознания, тем меньше фиксируется совершенных нарушений.

    The results obtained contributed to the study of individual personal characteristics of employees with different types of self-esteem. A comparative analysis of these groups made it possible to identify the specifics of the relationship between types of self-esteem and levels of legal self-awareness. A more meaningful interpretation of each group is as follows.

    The first group of employees with inadequately low self-esteem (Fig. 5) included 32 people, of which 24 were men and 8 women aged from 19 to 46 years.

    A distinctive feature of this group is that all employees belong to the first (lowest) level of legal consciousness, as well as a significant number of penalties of serious and maximum severity (a total of 25%, or a quarter of the sample).

    The personal and behavioral characteristics of this group are pronounced nonconformist attitudes, an extreme tendency to contrast one’s own norms and values ​​with group ones, predisposed

    Rice. 5. The number of employees with inadequately low self-esteem, having


    femininity to the manifestation of negativism and delinquent behavior. There is an aggressive orientation in relationships with other people, a tendency to solve problems through violence, a tendency to use humiliation of a communication partner as a means of stabilizing self-esteem, and the presence of sadistic manifestations.

    For them, their own life has low value, there is a tendency to take risks, a pronounced need for thrills, and sadomasochistic tendencies. In addition, there is a tendency to realize negative emotions directly in behavior, without delay, and lack of volitional control over one’s needs and sensory drives. There is a pronounced tendency to ignore even insignificant social norms, there is no belief in one’s own success and luck, and there is no self-love.

    The second group with low self-esteem included 54 employees (33 men and 21 women aged 18 to 44 years) (Fig. 6).

    In this group, employees were classified into two levels of legal consciousness - the first (33 employees, or 61%) and the second (21 employees, or 39%). A distinctive feature of the group is the absence of penalties of maximum severity and a small number of penalties of serious severity, while the majority have no penalties at all. The personal and behavioral characteristics of representatives of this group as a whole have two clearly directed trends. Some representatives of the group are characterized by contrasting emotional manifestations, a tendency to ignore threats, and a predisposition to risk and thrills. Such employees are able to make decisions quickly, but these decisions are not necessarily correct, they are able to withstand fatigue and withstand the emotional stress of working with people. At the same time, their dependence and attachment to the group, lack of initiative and courage in choosing their own line of behavior, susceptibility to the negative influence of a significant environment, and predisposition to violations of the law stand out. From employees of another part of the group

    45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

    S None

    B Minor

    ■ Serious

    ■ Maximum

    1st level of legal awareness 2nd level of legal awareness

    Figure 6. Number of employees with low self-esteem who have received penalties

    Against the background of the pronounced influence of the environment, softness, sophistication, imagery, and artistic perception of the world are observed. In relationships, kindness, indulgence towards oneself and others, anxiety and concern about health, dependence, and the need for love, attention and help from other people are clearly expressed. They are characterized by indifference (not always conscious) to solving practical issues and everyday affairs, absent-mindedness, and inattention to details and events.

    The third group of employees with average self-esteem included indicators of 135 people, of whom 94 were men and 41 women aged 18 to 48 years (Fig. 7).

    This group included representatives of all three levels of legal self-awareness. However, a distinctive feature of this group was that the vast majority of employees belonged to the second level of legal self-awareness. In addition, the vast majority of respondents (93 employees, or 68%) have no penalties at all, and penalties of serious and maximum severity are minimal (10 people, or 8%).

    Employees belonging to this group have a developed sense of responsibility, diligence and integrity. They are deeply decent not because it may be profitable, but because they do not want to act differently according to their convictions. They demonstrate consistency, accuracy and precision in their activities, have good self-control and organization. The intellectual capabilities and professionally important qualities of representatives of this group are quite highly developed. The life position is distinguished by maturity and purposefulness, the actions are systematic and thoughtful.

    The fourth largest group of employees with high self-esteem is represented by the results of 145 people. (107 men and 38 women aged 19 to 43 years) (Fig. 8).

    Rice. 7. Number of employees with average self-esteem who have received penalties

    Figure 8. Number of employees with high self-esteem who have received penalties

    This group, like the previous one, includes the vast majority of employees who do not have penalties (104 employees, or 70%) and the majority of employees belonging to the second level of legal consciousness (112 people, or 77%). However, this group also contains the maximum number of employees belonging to the third (highest) level of legal consciousness (20 people, or 14%).

    Employees with high self-esteem and an average level of legal consciousness belonging to this group are characterized by a high level of intellectual capabilities, developed abstract thinking, show intelligence in activities and contacts, quickly grasp new things, study well, and have diverse intellectual interests.

    They are aware of the difference between the values ​​of social order and universal human ethics, between specific laws and principles of justice,

    35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

    N None

    N Minor

    ■ Serious

    ■ Maximum

    1st level of legal consciousness

    Level 2 of legal consciousness

    3 Level of legal consciousness

    Figure 9. Number of employees with inadequately high self-esteem, having


    in connection with which legal laws for them act as an expression of internal moral principles. In general, such people are optimistic and cheerful, easily cope with life’s failures and believe in themselves.

    Employees with high self-esteem and a high level of legal self-awareness are characterized by free-thinking, experimentation, developed analytical thinking, and receptivity to change and new ideas. They have diverse intellectual interests, strive to be well informed, but, having more critical thinking, do not take any information for granted. The respondents also noted flexibility in contacts, receptivity to new views and ideas, tolerance for contradictions, independence of judgments, views and behavior, preferential reliance on logic rather than feelings. Among other things, among the personal qualities and behavioral characteristics, a combination of distrust of authorities with a desire for constructive changes and a preference for wisely adjusting established methods of action, assessing common views and habits with acceptable criticism, clearly stood out.

    The fifth group of employees with inadequately inflated self-esteem, including the results of 34 people (24 men and 10 women aged 19 to 47 years), turned out to be close in size to the first group (Fig. 9).

    A distinctive feature of this group was that the vast majority of respondents (32 employees, or 94%) belong to the first level of legal self-awareness, as in the first group of employees with inadequately low self-esteem. In addition, the rate of penalties of serious and maximum severity was even higher here than in the first group (11 employees, or 32%).

    Representatives of this group showed an exaggerated assessment of their merits. They tended to set themselves higher goals than they could realistically achieve, and also had a high level of aspirations that did not correspond to real possibilities. Lack of self-analysis, uncritical thinking, indiscipline, lack of self-control, a tendency to make erroneous decisions and carry out risky actions generally characterized respondents as arrogant, vain and self-centered. In addition, these employees turned out to have pronounced tendencies to realize negative emotions directly in behavior; there were signs of steroid character traits: the desire to appear more significant, better than they actually are; a tendency to self-pity, an expressed desire to attract the attention of others at any cost. The instability of emotions and the conflicting combination of multidirectional tendencies determined the high level of aspirations of the respondents, which was combined with the need to participate in the interests of the group, selfishness - with altruistic declarations, aggressiveness - with the desire to please others. There was a pronounced ability to easily adapt to various social roles, artistic postures, facial expressions and gestures against the background of contradictory emotions and the desire to succeed mainly through the help of others, but attributing merit only to oneself.

    Summarizing the data obtained, we can draw a conclusion about the peculiarities of the relationship between the types of self-esteem and the levels of legal self-awareness of law enforcement officers:

    Respondents with inadequately low and high self-esteem are characterized by a low level of legal self-awareness and a maximum degree of propensity for violations of discipline and the rule of law;

    A distinctive feature of employees with high self-esteem is the combination of it (self-esteem) with a high level of legal self-awareness;

    Respondents with high and average self-esteem also have the maximum comparison with the average level of legal self-awareness and a pronounced tendency towards the absence of violations of discipline and the rule of law;

    Employees with low self-esteem refer to a low and average level of legal self-awareness and minimal predisposition to violations of discipline and the rule of law.

    Thus, the results of our study of the relationship between types of self-esteem and levels of legal self-awareness of an individual contributed to improving the quality of diagnostics of behavioral and individual personal characteristics of law enforcement officers (Fomenko, 2010; Pavlova, 2014). This made it possible to increase the effectiveness of psychological support for existing police officers, and also strengthened the prevention of cases

    unlawful behavior on the part of law enforcement officers in general

    determining the success of their professional activities.


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    17. Frolov, A. A. (2013). A study of the legal consciousness of police officers as a factor of personal security in society and the law enforcement system. News of Sochi State University, 4-2 (28), 81-84.

    18. Frolov, A. A. (2014). Study of the relationship between the legal consciousness of the personality of law enforcement officers and violations of discipline. Psychopedagogy in law enforcement agencies, 1 (56), 24-27.

    19. Chesnokova, I. I. (1977). The problem of self-awareness in psychology. Moscow: Science.

    The article was received by the editor on March 6, 2016.


    Frolov Alexey Anatolyevich, Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 128 Jaroslavskaja St., Krasnodar, 350005, Russia. Email: [email protected]

    The article dwells on interconnection of types of self-esteem and levels of legal consciousness of an individual. Theoretical analysis of self-esteem studies permits to consider it not only as a part of the self-concept, self-consciousness and central formation of individuality, but also as a significant component of legal consciousness. Type of self-esteem is defined by means of integrating characteristics of the equal level and degree of validity. Individual subjective level of legal consciousness of definite respondents served as a generalized characteristic of the corresponding level of legal consciousness of the group. The test sample consisted of law enforcement officers representing a special category of population, whose work is directly connected with law enforcement sphere, extremeness, as well as significant physical and intellectual stress. Representativeness is ensured by sufficient gender, age and professional (experience, length of service) characteristics array of the respondents. The empirical part of the research contains the data on self-esteem diagnostics, legal consciousness, individual and personal features of the officers under research. The validity of the obtained results is ensured by the methods of mathematical and statistical analysis. A clear dependence between certain types of self-esteem and levels of legal consciousness was revealed: the higher the type of self-assessment is, the higher the level of legal consciousness appears, except the cases of inadequately high or low types of self-esteem . The detected combinations allowed defining distinctive behavioral patterns, as well as the intrapersonal determinants that form them. The obtained results permit not only to forecast how successful officers of internal affairs bodies will be in performing duty but also to facilitate the development of their moral and ethical characteristics, thus increasing the efficiency of psychological follow through of official activities of law enforcement bodies.

    Key words: self-esteem, consciousness, legal consciousness, personality, moral and ethical characteristics, breach of discipline and legality.

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    17. Frolov, A. A. (2013). Issledovanie pravosoznanija sotrudnikov OVD kak faktor bezopas-nosti lichnosti v obshhestve i pravoohranitel "noj sisteme. Izvestija Sochinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta 4-2 (28), 81-84.

    18. Frolov, A. A. (2014). Issledovanie vzaimosvjazi pravosoznanija lichnosti sotrudnikov pravoohranitel"nyh organov i narushenij discipliny. Psihopedagogika v pravoohranitel"nyh organah, 1 (56), 24-27.

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