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Creating a centralized treasury where to start. The enterprise treasury system is the main way to optimize financial flows

In September 2011, in a report at a seminar-meeting, the Ministry of Finance was first proposed to organize centralized accounting departments at the OFC level. It is this form of centralization of accounting that can be considered optimal, since it harmoniously fits into the unique economic conditions and management structure for our country. Subsequently, in May 2012, developing this concept in his scientific research, the author pointed out that the Federal Treasury, as the operator of the GIIS “Electronic Budget”, can act not only as the creator of a state information system for accounting for public finances, but also become at the same time the main organizer of the process of collecting, processing and providing accounting and management information on the activities of institutions in the public sector of the economy. The idea is that the Russian Treasury “.can create a network of subordinate accounting centers on the territory of the country, which will take over the functions of entering and processing primary information from institutions located in the district territory of such a center”. Using the effectiveness of the organizational model of centralized accounting, multiplied by the impact of the implementation of a new state information system, we can safely expect a significant breakthrough in creating a truly transparent environment for making better decisions.

At the official level, for the first time, the tasks of transferring the functions of maintaining accounting (budget) records from institutions to the body carrying out treasury execution of the budget were set in October 2012, when at a meeting of the State Council on measures to improve the efficiency of budget expenditures, the Minister of Finance

A.G. Siluanov stated that “ Centralization of accounting for recipients of budget funds in the Treasury will free up hundreds of thousands of accountants who currently work in budgetary institutions» }