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Instructions for filling out form 1 t prof. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation

The deadline is approaching when you need to send it to the local Rosstat form 1-T (prof). Let's look at who should do this and how to fill out this form. Moreover, in 2016 it was adopted in a new version.

New form 1-T (prof) 2016

In July, Rosstat order No. 325 approved a new version forms 1-T (prof) statistics. Officials need it in order to understand:

  • how many people work for certain companies;
  • which specialists are now most in demand (and vice versa), which ones are in short supply.

Based on submitted forms 1-T (prof) statistics Rosstat will select companies with a staff of five or more people (and their separate “detached units”) to study. Only small businesses will not enter into circulation. It is already known that approximately 68,000 enterprises will be targeted by Rostat.

If the enterprise has separate divisions, form 1-T (prof) must be filled out for each of them and the organization as a whole without them.

Current statistical form 1-T (prof) looks like that:

Deadlines for forms 1-T (prof) the following is established: information must be reflected as of October 31, 2016, and submitted accordingly - from November 1 to November 28, 2016 inclusive. This will be Monday (deadline date).

In addition, a specific delivery frequency has been established. forms 1-T (prof)– once every two years. As you can see, 2016 did not fall under the exception.

You don't have to go far to download form 1-T (prof) for 2016 year. It is already posted on our website. Form 1-T (prof) e.

Who submits form 1-T (professional)

This report on form 1-T (prof) affects almost all organizations, except:

  1. small business;
  2. companies involved in finance;
  3. sectors of public administration and ensuring the country's military power;
  4. public associations;
  5. Russian companies located abroad.

How to fill out form 1-T (professional)

From organization data to form 1-T (prof) you need to specify:

  • title (full and short);
  • postal address (actual);
  • OKPO.

Entering data into Form 1-T (prof) is quite simple. Essentially, you need to specify only two parameters for each type of profession/occupation in the organization:

Count Filling rules
1 Payroll number (for example, accountants, cleaners) as of 10/31/2016Contribute:
employees on labor agreements (permanently, temporarily, seasonally);
owners who received a salary.

For part-time work - indicate as a whole unit.

Internal part-time workers are included once at the main place.

They do not enter information about:
external part-time workers;
who works according to the GAP;
women on maternity or childcare leave;

2 How many corresponding work positions are not occupied as of 10/31/2016?Half rates are indicated as a whole unit.

Vacancies include:

Free after layoffs;
free after going on maternity or childcare leave;
newly created positions for which people will be hired until November 30 inclusive.

When vacancies are filled by internal part-time workers and the organization is not looking for employees to fill them, for forms 1-T (prof) means that there is no need for personnel.

When assigning employees to groups and activities, use:
  1. All-Russian Classifier of Occupations (OKZ);
  2. A directory for the distribution of employees by subgroups and groups of OKZ.

The latest document can be found on the Rosstat website. Here is the exact link.

You will learn:

  • What is the updated reporting form?
  • Who should fill it out?
  • How does the updated report form differ from the previous one?

Order of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) dated 07/05/2016 No. 325 “On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of the number and need of organizations for workers by professional groups, composition of personnel of the state civil and municipal service” (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 325) the updated form of federal statistical observation No. 1-T (prof) “Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups” (hereinafter referred to as Form No. 1-T (prof)) and instructions for filling it out were approved and put into effect.

Soon, organizations will have to report using this form, which will be used starting with the report as of 10/31/2016.

The new form is significantly different from the previous one, and in this article we will look in detail at what has changed in it compared to the form of the same name, approved by Rosstat Order No. 486 dated July 23, 2014 “On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of the number and needs of organizations in employees by professional groups” (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 486), which became invalid with the introduction of a new form.


According to information published on the Rosstat website, the agency conducts a sample survey of organizations every 2 years in order to study the needs of organizations for workers to fill vacant jobs by professional groups.

Organizations (without small businesses) engaged in all types of economic activity are subject to examination, except for organizations whose main activity is financial activity; public administration and military security; social insurance; activities of public associations and extraterritorial organizations.

The results obtained as part of the sample survey allow us to analyze the professional and qualification structure of the number of employees and the current situation with the shortage of specialists and workers by professional groups, types of economic activity and forms of ownership of organizations (state and municipal, non-state), and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


As before, legal entities (except for small businesses) engaged in all types of economic activities (except for financial activities, public administration and military security; activities of public associations and extraterritorial organizations) must report in Form No. 1-T (prof).

Note According to sub. 99.00 “OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2). All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities”, approved. By Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st (as amended on April 14, 2016), the group “Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies” includes:

    activities of international organizations, such as the United Nations and its specialized agencies, regional bodies, etc., International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, European Community, European Association free trade, etc.

This grouping also includes the activities of diplomatic and consular missions if they are counted by the place where they are located rather than by the country they represent.

According to clause 1 of the Instructions for filling out the federal statistical observation form No. 1-T (prof) (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions), legal entities required to submit a report are determined by conducting a scientifically based sample of reporting units. Rospotrebnadzor also draws attention to this in letter No. 01/14444-14-27 dated December 8, 2014, focusing on the mandatory submission of Form No. 1-T (prof) only upon official request from territorial bodies of Rosstat. At the same time, Rospotrebnadzor asks to inform it about the receipt of an official request from the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

The frequency of submission of the report has not changed - as before, it is compiled 1 time every 2 years. The deadline for submitting the report has not changed either. no later than November 28.

Thus, a new report in form No. 1-T (prof) must be submitted by all legal entities specified in the header of the form that received a request from the territorial bodies of Rosstat by November 28, 2016.

Violation of the procedure for providing statistical information

At the top of form No. 1-T (prof) there is a warning that violation of the procedure for submitting statistical information, as well as the submission of unreliable statistical information, entails the responsibility established Art. 13.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ, as well as Art. 3 Law of the Russian Federation of May 13, 1992 No. 2761-1 “On liability for violation of the procedure for submitting state statistical reporting” (hereinafter referred to as Law of the Russian Federation No. 2761-1).

Article 3 of Law of the Russian Federation No. 2761-1 establishes that enterprises, institutions, organizations and associations shall, in accordance with the established procedure, compensate statistical bodies for damages arising in connection with the need to correct the results of consolidated reporting when presenting distorted data or violating reporting deadlines. This norm has not changed since the adoption of the law, unlike Art. 13.19 Code of Administrative Offences—both the title of this article and its content have changed.

Firstly, the new wording of Art. 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses has significantly increased the amount of the administrative fine that can be imposed on an official, and secondly, from December 30, 2015, not only an official, but also a legal entity can be held administratively liable in the form of a fine. In addition, liability has been introduced for both officials and legal entities for repeated violations:


The volume of Section 1 “Number and demand of organizations for workers by professional groups as of October 31, 2016” has increased significantly due to greater detail in the data in the table and the introduction of a large number of significant changes and additions.

Compared to the previous form, the distribution of workers into occupational groups, as well as the names of occupational groups, has changed; some occupational groups have reappeared, others have been excluded. For example:

  • in the old report form there were three professional groups in the first section “Heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises and their structural divisions (services).” In the updated form, the first section is called “Managers” and includes 10 professional groups;
  • in the old form, specialists in the field of biological, agricultural sciences and health were included in one professional group. In the new form, healthcare specialists are allocated to a separate professional group;
  • from the trade union group of the old form “Journalists and literary workers”, journalists were allocated to a separate trade union group of the new form;
  • in the previous form there was a professional group “Specialists of personnel services and employment institutions”, classified as mid-level personnel in the field of financial, economic, administrative and social activities. In the new form there is no such occupational group, but the occupational group “Employees for maintaining personnel records” has appeared in the category “Other office employees”;
  • in the old form there was a subgroup “Stenographers and typists”, in the new form there are no stenographers, and typists are combined into one professional group with text editing equipment operators;
  • assistant accountants and office managers are again included in the professional group “Secondary specialized personnel for economic and administrative activities”;
  • Chefs are included as a separate line in the new report form to the professional group “Secondary specialized personnel in the field of legal, social work, culture, sports and related activities.”

It is impossible to list all such changes, and there is no need.

Some trade union groups were not mentioned in previous versions of the reporting form and appeared only in the latest version of form No. 1-T (prof). For example:

  • “Agents for labor contracts and hiring”, which are classified as mid-level specialized personnel for economic and administrative activities;

Note. Labor contract and recruiting agents select vacancies for job seekers, find workers for employers and draw up employment contracts for the implementation of specific projects at the request of enterprises and other organizations, including government agencies and institutions, or for employment on a commission basis.

Their responsibilities include selecting vacancies for job seekers; selection of workers for vacant positions on commission from an employer or employee, etc. (see section “Descriptions of main groups, subgroups, small and initial groups” of the All-Russian Classification of Occupations OK 010-2014 (MSKZ-08), adopted and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart dated December 12, 2014 No. 2020-Art.

  • “Employees of collection firms and workers in related occupations for the collection of debts and payments.” The developers of the form classified it as employees in the public service sector (along with employees conducting consumer surveys and employees in the reception area (general profile)), who in turn are included in the section “Employees involved in the preparation and execution of documentation, accounting and service”;
  • in the section “Unskilled workers” in the new version of the report, the trade group “Street vendors and other unskilled workers providing various street services” appeared, etc., etc.


According to clause 1 of the Instructions the rules for filling out the address part of form No. 1-T (prof) and the “Mail address” line have remained virtually unchanged.

According to paragraph 8 clause 1 of the Instructions in the code part of the form the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) is entered, while the new edition of the Instructions clarifies that this code is entered on the basis Notifications about assignment of OKPO code, sent (issued) to organizations by territorial state statistics bodies.

In the note to clause 1 of the Guidelines added a link to clause 2 of Art. 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which a workplace is considered stationary if it is created for a period of more than one month.

In paragraph 2 of the Directions An updated list of employees is provided that are not included in the list of employees of the organization. Thus, in addition to external part-time workers, executors under civil contracts and women on maternity leave and child care leave, the payroll now does not include military personnel in the performance of military service duties.

In paragraph 3 of the Directions provides information about the new All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ), which should now be used as a guide when distributing workers into professional groups (occupations). The new classifier was put into effect by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 12, 2014 No. 2020-st instead of the previously used OKZ, approved by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1993 No. 298.

If in the previous version a link to the directory for the distribution of employees by subgroups and groups of OKZ was located at the end of the Instructions for filling out the form, then in the new version information about the Directory and its location on the Internet is presented in the second paragraph of paragraph 3 of the Instructions:

Extract from the Guidelines

To correctly distribute employees of organizations into professional groups, you should use the Directory of distribution of employees into subgroups and groups of OKZ, which is posted on the Rosstat website on the Internet information and telecommunications network: www.gks.ru in the section Information for respondents/Federal state statistical observation forms/ Album of federal statistical observation forms, the collection and processing of data on which is carried out in the system of the Federal State Statistics Service, for 2016/20. Labor market/form No. 1-T (professional). The directory is developed in Excel format and contains 9 sheets, each of which corresponds to one of the main groups. In accordance with the survey program in main groups from 2 to 5, a list of occupations is provided for initial groups in 1, 6, 7 and 8 main groups - for small groups, and in main group 9 “Unskilled workers” - for subgroups. For each occupational group of OKZ, a list of professions included in this group is provided.

The scope of the Instructions has been significantly reduced by eliminating clause 6, which provided the principles for distributing employees into larger groups. Accordingly, as stated in paragraph 5 of the new edition of the Guidelines, the distribution of enterprises’ needs for workers by professional groups is carried out similarly to the distribution of payroll in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Guidelines(previously - in accordance with paragraphs 5 and 6), in which we are referred to the All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ) and the Directory of Distribution of Workers by subgroups and groups of OKZ.

In addition, in the new edition of the Instructions, clause 9, which set out the rules for filling out Certificate 1, is excluded, since it is not in the new form No. 1-T (prof). The certificate concerned workers engaged in activities in the production of goods and services related to the creation or use of nanotechnology.

According to clause 4 of the Instructions Column 5 contains a list of jobs that are classified as vacant. The content of this list has not changed compared to the Guidelines in the previous edition (where it was number 7):

Extract from the Guidelines (paragraph 2, paragraph 4)

Vacant jobs include those vacated in the event of employee dismissal, maternity leave or child care leave, as well as newly created jobs for which it is planned to hire employees within 30 days after the reporting period. If vacant positions are occupied by internal part-time workers and the organization does not take active steps to find workers, then this need for workers should not be reflected in Form No. 1-T (prof).

Section 2 is not in either the previous or updated form of the report. For what reason the developers number the only section is unknown. — Note author.

The word “state” is missing on the website under the “Information for Respondents” section. — Note author.

Companies included in the sample must submit Form 1-T (prof). Rosstat has already decided who will submit this report. The deadline for submitting the form is November 28, 2016.

Form 1-T prof (statistics)

Until November 28, 2016, Rosstat collects information from companies about the number of employees and open vacancies (Rosstat letter dated October 10, 2016 No. 04-04-4/132-SMI). Reflect the information in a report and submit it to the regional statistics service. The report form is available in Rosstat order No. 325 dated July 5, 2016.

The deadline for submitting the report is November 28. You can report on paper, through a special operator or on the website of the Rosstat branch. If you delay the report by even a day, the statistics service will fine the company at least 20,000 rubles. (Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Who submits the form

Only those organizations that were included in a special Rosstat sample should submit a report. It includes medium and large enterprises. Small businesses do not submit forms. This year, 68,000 companies were included in the list.

Organizations that are on the Rosstat list should receive a special notification by mail. In it, the statistics service will ask you to submit a report. But the letter may get lost. Therefore, check which reports the company must submit through the “Generation of Notifications” service on the Rosstat website statreg.gks.ru. If you do not find the form on the list, you do not need to submit it.

How to fill out form 1-T (professional)

On the title page of the form, write the full name of the company according to the constituent documents, and a short one in brackets.

In the “Postal Address” line, write the legal address with the postal code. Please indicate your actual address if it does not match your legal address. In the code part of the title page, indicate OKPO assigned by Rosstat.

A sample title page is below.

Sample of filling out the form - title page

In the tabular part of the report, reflect the number of employees and vacancies as of October 31, 2016. Take the job titles from the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations, approved by order of Rosstandart dated December 12, 2014 No. 2020-st. If the employee's position sounds different, classify it as the most suitable according to the classifier.

Do not include external part-time workers, contractors and employees on child and maternity leave in the payroll. Count internal part-time workers once - according to their main profession.

Write how many vacant positions there are in the company. The positions of employees on children's and maternity leave are also considered vacant if no one has been hired to take their place yet.

If there is nothing to write in a table cell, then leave it empty. Do not put dashes or zeros.

Example.How to fill out the form

Raduga LLC employs 7 people:

  • CEO;
  • accountant;
  • four sales managers;
  • secretary.

Another accountant is currently on maternity leave. No one has yet been hired to replace this employee. The company has a vacancy for a driver. The accountant filled out the report as shown in the sample.

Form 1-T prof: sample of filling out the tabular part

The updated headcount form 1-T (Prof), the form and sample of completion are available for study below, put into effect by Rosstat in Order No. 325 dated July 5, 2016. As follows from the Law, only legal entities are required to provide reporting, with the exception of enterprises related to small ones. What changes distinguish the document and how to fill it out correctly? Let's consider all the nuances in detail.

This special reporting is intended to generate and study information about the state of the enterprise’s labor resources, especially in terms of payment of compensation for harm to workers. Based on the data obtained from the sample survey, government agencies calculate employers' needs for specialists and determine the shortage of personnel by professional type, type of legal ownership and industry activity.

Which enterprises are not subject to statistical observation:

  • Small businesses.
  • Enterprises conducting financial work.
  • Public associations.
  • Enterprises providing military security.
  • Extraterritorial companies.
  • Government and social authorities insurance.

Filling out the document is regulated by a number of regulatory laws - “On insurance pensions”, “On special. assessment of conditions”, Labor Code of the Russian Federation, List of dangerous/hard work and other documents of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Ministry of Labor. Statistical form 1-T (Prof), download the 2016 form here, is submitted only by those legal entities that were included in the Rosstat sample.

Which enterprises are subject to statistical observation:

  • Construction.
  • Manufacturing industries.
  • Hunting, forestry and agriculture.
  • On transport and communications.
  • For mining.
  • Gas, water industry, electric power.

Note! Notice to respondents must be sent by mail, email or fax in writing. But the tight deadlines for conducting observations sometimes do not allow us to notify everyone on time, so it is recommended to independently clarify the information by phone or on the official website of Rosstat. The list of subjects is formed after October 25.

Deadlines for submitting form 1-T (Prof) statistics

The frequency of submission of the report is established by the Order - once every 2 years. The deadline for submitting data for October 31st is from November 1st, but no later than November 28th. The form of organizational and legal ownership does not matter. If an enterprise undergoes reorganization or liquidation, including forced liquidation, this does not relieve the obligation to submit a report until the legal entity is excluded from the Unified Register or the fact of bankruptcy is confirmed by an arbitration court.

Important! If the organization has separate divisions, it is necessary to submit Form 1-T (Prof) to the territorial bodies of Rosstat, as in general for legal entities. person and separately for each department. The same rule applies to branches of foreign companies.

Form 1-T (Prof) 2016 - how to fill out and what changes

In comparison with the previous form, Section 1 has been increased due to the detailing of data on employees and names of professional groups. The table below shows examples of changes.

NameWasIt becameNotes
Section 1, block “Leaders”3 professional groups10 professional groupsCodes 112-143
Section 1, block “Healthcare”Was in the general composition with workers from agriculture, health care and biological sciencesSeparately allocatedCodes 2211-2269
Section 1, professional group “Journalists”Was in the general composition with literary workersHighlighted separately in block 26Code 2642
Section 1, professional group “Human Resources Specialists”Was part of the middle staffReplaced with “Employees according to personnel documents”Code 4416
Section 1, specialists “Stenographers/typists”ChangedThe specialty "Stenographer" was removed, the specialty "Typists" was combined with "Editing Operators"Code 4131
Section 1, block 33 “Secondary-specialized personnel in the economic and administrative fields”ChangedThe specialties “Assistant Accountant” and “Office Manager” are highlighted.Codes 161, 170
Section 1, block 34 “Secondary-specialized personnel”ChangedAdded a separate specialty “Chef”Code 3434

A complete list of professional groups and specialties can be seen in the current form 1-T (Professional), sample filling.

Significant changes also affected the rules for drawing up documents in accordance with the current Guidelines:

  • OKPO code - filled in on the basis of a statistical notification about the assignment of codes to an enterprise (clause 1, paragraph 8).
  • A workplace created for a period of more than 1 month is recognized as stationary (clause 1).
  • The list of categories of specialists not included in the average strength has been clarified - military personnel on duty; external part-time workers; GPD workers; women on maternity and children's leave (clause 2).
  • Data are provided on the OKZ (all-Russian classifier of occupations), which is necessary for the correct distribution of specialists into groups of professions (clause 3).
  • The “Help” section has been eliminated – there is now no need to fill out information on nanotechnology workers in the new form (clause 9 has been deleted).

Responsibility for failure to submit Form 1-T (Prof)

The header of the document clearly states that failure to provide information within the time limits established by law, as well as distortion of information in the report, entails administrative liability (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, stat. 13.19; Law No. 2761-1).

Form 1-T (professional): form and sample filling

Form 1-T (professional) “Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups” (Appendix No. 3 to Rosstat Order No. 325 dated July 5, 2016) is submitted once every 2 years. It must be submitted by legal entities of all forms of ownership with an average number of employees of 5 people and above (Appendix 1 to the Rosstat Letter dated 10.10.2016 N 04-04-4/132-SMI), except for small businesses, as well as those who conduct financial activities, activities of public associations and extraterritorial organizations, engaged in public administration or ensuring military security. However, this does not mean that all other companies must complete and submit this form.

Form 1-T (professional): who submits it and when?

The fact is that Form 1-T (prof) 2016 is required to be submitted only by those legal entities that are identified “as a result of a scientifically based sample of reporting units” (). That is, this form is submitted by those organizations that were included in the statistical observation sample. In 2016, this is about 68 thousand “lucky” ones.

The territorial bodies of Rosstat should have already notified them by mail, fax or electronic communication of the obligation to submit statistics in Form 1-T (prof). You can check whether you are included in the sample on the Rosstat website at the link: http://statreg.gks.ru/ (Appendix 2 to Rosstat Letter dated 10.10.2016 N 04-04-4/132-SMI). On the page you need to indicate the OKPO, INN or OGRN of the organization and the system will provide an answer regarding the form.

Statistical form 1-T (prof) (form) is presented according to data as of October 31. In 2016, it must be submitted by November 28 inclusive.

If an organization has separate divisions, the form is drawn up both separately for the organization (without information on divisions) and separately for each division. After which, all forms must be submitted to the territorial bodies of Rosstat - each at the location of the corresponding unit or organization (clause 1 of the Instructions for filling out the form).

Form 1-T (professional): how to fill out

Filling out the title page is easy. You must indicate on it (clause 1 of the Instructions for filling out the form):

  • the full name of the organization followed by a short name in brackets;
  • address of the organization, including the subject of the Russian Federation and the company location index. If the legal address and the actual address do not match, the actual address is indicated in the form;
  • OPKO code assigned to the organization by Rosstat bodies.

All numerical indicators are reflected in section 1 of the form. This indicates the number of employees of the organization, broken down by position, as well as the need for employees to fill vacant positions.

The payroll must take into account persons working on the basis of employment contracts, including those performing temporary or seasonal work, as well as company owners who receive salaries in this organization. Workers registered for part-time work are counted as whole units, and internal part-time workers - only once for their main profession.

However, the payroll does not include:

  • external part-time workers;
  • persons with whom civil law contracts (CLA) have been concluded;
  • women on maternity leave or child care leave;
  • military personnel in the performance of military service duties (clause 2 of the Instructions for filling out the form).

When distributing vacancies available in an organization, as well as employees by professional groups (occupations), Rosstat recommends using the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations - OKZ ("OK 010-2014 (MSKZ-08), adopted and put into effect by Order of Rosstandart dated December 12, 2014 N 2020- st).

Fine for failure to submit Form 1-T (professional)

For failure to submit the form, a fine may be imposed (Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • for an organization in the amount of 20 to 70 thousand rubles;
  • for officials - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.