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Re-adjustment of equipment in logistics systems. Description of generally accepted logistics systems and management concepts


The “Drum-Buffer-Rope” method (DBR-Drum-Buffer-Rope) is one of the original versions of the “push-out” logistics system developed in the TOC (Theory of Constraints). It is very similar to the limited FIFO queue system, except that it does not limit the inventory in individual FIFO queues.

Rice. 9.

Instead, an overall limit is set on the inventory located between the single production scheduling point and the resource that limits the productivity of the entire system, the ROP (in the example shown in Figure 9, the ROP is area 3). Each time the ROP completes one unit of work, the planning point can release another unit of work into production. This is called a “rope” in this logistics scheme. “Rope” is a mechanism for controlling the restriction against overload of the ROP. Essentially, it is a materials issue schedule that prevents work from entering the system at a rate faster than it can be processed in the ROP. The rope concept is used to prevent work in process from occurring at most points in the system (except critical points protected by planning buffers).

Since EPR dictates the rhythm of the entire production system, its work schedule is called “Drum”. In the DBR method, special attention is paid to the resource that limits productivity, since it is this resource that determines the maximum possible output of the entire production system as a whole, since the system cannot produce more than its lowest capacity resource. The inventory limit and the time resource of the equipment (the time of its effective use) are distributed so that the ROP can always start new work on time. This method is called “Buffer” in this method. The “buffer” and “rope” create conditions that prevent the ROP from being underloaded or overloaded.

Note that in the “pull” logistics system DBR, the buffers created before the ROP have temporal rather than material in nature.

A time buffer is a reserve of time provided to protect the scheduled “start of processing” time, taking into account the variability in the arrival at the ROP of a particular job. For example, if the EPR schedule requires that a particular job in Area 3 begin on Tuesday, then material for that job must be issued early enough so that all pre-EPR processing steps (Areas 1 and 2) are completed on Monday (i.e., in one full working day before the required deadline). Buffer time serves to “protect” the most valuable resource from downtime, since the loss of time of this resource is equivalent to a permanent loss in the final result of the entire system. The receipt of materials and production tasks can be carried out on the basis of filling the “Supermarket” cells. The transfer of parts to subsequent stages of processing after they have passed through the ROP is no longer a limited FIFO, because the productivity of the corresponding processes is obviously higher.

Rice. 10. An example of organizing buffers in the DBR method
depending on the position of the ROP

It should be noted that only critical points in the production chain are protected by buffers (see Figure 10). These critical points are:

  • the resource itself with limited productivity (section 3),
  • any subsequent process step where the part processed by the limiting resource is assembled with other parts;
  • shipment of finished products containing parts processed with a limiting resource.

Because the DBR method focuses on the most critical points of the production chain and eliminates it elsewhere, production cycle times can be reduced, sometimes by 50 percent or more, without compromising reliability in meeting customer shipment deadlines.

Rice. eleven. Example of supervisory control
passing orders through the ROP using the DBR method

The DBR algorithm is a generalization of the well-known OPT method, which many experts call the electronic embodiment of the Japanese “Kanban” method, although in fact, between the logistics schemes for replenishing the “Supermarket” cells and the “Drum-Buffer-Rope” method, as we have already seen, there is a significant difference.

The disadvantage of the “Drum-Buffer-Rope” (DBR) method is the requirement for the existence of a ROP localized at a given planning horizon (at the interval of calculating the schedule for the work being performed), which is only possible in the conditions of serial and large-scale production. However, for small-scale and individual production, it is generally not possible to localize EPR over a sufficiently long period of time, which significantly limits the applicability of the considered logistics scheme for this case.


A pull logistics system with a work in process (WIP) limit is similar to the DBR method. The difference is that temporary buffers are not created here, but a certain fixed limit of material inventories is set, which is distributed to all processes of the system, and does not end only at the ROP. The diagram is shown in Figure 12.

Rice. 12.

This approach to building a “pull” management system is much simpler than the logistics schemes discussed above, is easier to implement, and in a number of cases is more effective. As in the “pull” logistics systems discussed above, there is a single planning point here - this is section 1 in Figure 12.

A logistics system with a WIP limit has some advantages compared to the DBR method and the FIFO limited queue system:

  • malfunctions, fluctuations in the rhythm of production and other problems of processes with a margin of productivity will not lead to a shutdown of production due to lack of work for the EPR, and will not reduce the overall throughput of the system;
  • only one process must obey scheduling rules;
  • there is no need to fix (localize) the position of the ROP;
  • It is easy to locate the current EPR site. In addition, such a system gives fewer “false signals” compared to limited FIFO queues.

The considered system works well for rhythmic production with a stable range of products, streamlined and unchangeable technological processes, which corresponds to mass, large-scale and serial production. In single-piece and small-scale production, where new orders with original manufacturing technology are constantly being put into production, where product release times are dictated by the consumer and can, generally speaking, change directly during the manufacturing process of products, then many organizational problems arise at the level of production management. Relying only on the FIFO rule in the transfer of semi-finished products from site to site, the logistics system with a work in progress limit in such cases loses its effectiveness.

An important feature of the “push” logistics systems 1-4 discussed above is the ability to calculate the release time (processing cycle) of products using the well-known Little formula:

Release time = WIP/Rhythm,

where WIP is the volume of work in progress, Rhythm is the number of products produced per unit of time.

However, for small-scale and individual production, the concept of production rhythm becomes very vague, since this type of production cannot be called rhythmic. Moreover, statistics show that, on average, the entire machine system in such industries remains half underutilized, which occurs due to constant overloads of one equipment and simultaneous downtime of another in anticipation of work related to products lying in line at previous stages of processing. Moreover, downtime and overloading of machines constantly migrate from site to site, which does not allow them to be localized and to apply any of the above logistics pull schemes. Another feature of small-scale and individual production is the need to fulfill orders in the form of a whole set of parts and assembly units by a fixed deadline. This greatly complicates the task of production management, because The parts included in this set (order) can be technologically subjected to different processing processes, and each of the areas can represent an ROP for some orders without causing problems when processing other orders. Thus, in the industries under consideration, the effect of the so-called “virtual bottleneck” arises: the entire machine system on average remains underloaded, and its throughput is low. For such cases, the most effective “pull” logistics system is the Calculated Priority Method.


The method of calculated priorities is a kind of generalization of the two “push” logistics systems discussed above: the “Supermarket” replenishment system and the FIFO system with limited queues. The difference is that in this system, not all empty cells in the “Supermarket” are replenished without fail, and production tasks, once in a limited queue, are moved from site to site not according to the FIFO rules (i.e. mandatory discipline is not observed “ in the order received"), and according to other calculated priorities. The rules for calculating these priorities are assigned at a single production planning point - in the example shown in Figure 13, this is the second production site, immediately following the first “Supermarket”. Each subsequent production site has its own executive production system (MES - Manufacturing Execution System), the task of which is to ensure timely processing of incoming tasks taking into account their current priority, optimize internal material flow and timely show emerging problems associated with this process ,. A significant deviation in the processing of a particular job in one of the sites can affect the calculated value of its priority.

Rice. 13.

The “pull” procedure is carried out due to the fact that each subsequent section can begin to perform only those tasks that have the highest possible priority, which is expressed in the priority filling at the “Supermarket” level not of all available cells, but only those that correspond to priority tasks. Subsequent section 2, although it is the only planning point that determines the work of all other production units, is itself forced to carry out only these highest priority tasks. Numerical values ​​of task priorities are obtained by calculating the values ​​of the criterion common to all in each section. The type of this criterion is set by the main planning unit (section 2), and each production section independently calculates its values ​​for its tasks, either queued for processing, or located in the filled cells of the “Supermarket” at the previous stage.

For the first time, this method of replenishing “Supermarket” cells began to be used at Japanese enterprises of the Toyota company and was called “Production Leveling Procedures” or “Heijunka”. Nowadays, the process of filling the “Heijunka Box” is one of the key elements of the “pull” planning system used in the TPS (Toyota Production System), when the priorities of incoming tasks are assigned or calculated outside the production areas executing them against the backdrop of the existing “pull” replenishment system of the “Supermarket”. (Kanban). An example of assigning one of the directive priorities to an executing order (emergency, urgent, planned, moving, etc.) is shown in Figure 14.

Rice. 14. Example of assigning a directive
priority to fulfilled orders

Another option for transferring tasks from one site to another in this “pull” logistics system is the so-called “calculated rule” of priorities.

Rice. 15. Sequence of executed orders
in the calculated priority method

The queue of production tasks transferred from section 2 to section 3 (Figure 13) is limited (limited), but unlike the case shown in Figure 4, the tasks themselves can change places in this queue, i.e. change the sequence of their arrival depending on their current (calculated) priority. In fact, this means that the performer himself cannot choose which task to start working on, but if the priority of tasks changes, he may have to, having not completed the current task (turning it into the current WIP), switch to completing the highest priority one. Of course, in such a situation, with a significant number of tasks and a large number of machines on the production site, it is necessary to use MES, i.e. carry out local optimization of material flows passing through the site (optimize the execution of tasks already being processed). As a result, for the equipment of each site that is not the only planning point, a local operational production schedule is drawn up, which is subject to correction every time the priority of the tasks being executed changes. To solve internal optimization problems, we use our own criteria, called “Equipment Loading Criteria”. Jobs awaiting processing between sites not connected by the “Supermarket” are ordered according to “Queue Selection Rules” (Figure 15), which, in turn, can also change over time.

If the Rules for calculating priorities for tasks are assigned “externally” in relation to each production site (Process), then the Site Equipment Loading Criteria determine the nature of the internal material flows. These criteria are associated with the use of optimization MES procedures on the site, intended exclusively for “internal” use. They are selected directly by the site manager in real time, Figure 15.

Rules for selection from the queue are assigned based on the priority values ​​of the tasks being executed, as well as taking into account the actual speed of their execution at a specific production site (section 3, Figure 15).

The site manager can, taking into account the current state of production, independently change the priorities of individual technological operations and, using the MES system, adjust the internal production schedule. An example of a dialog for changing the current priority of an operation is shown in Fig. 16.

Rice. 16.

To calculate the priority value of a specific job being performed or awaiting processing at a specific site, a preliminary grouping of jobs (parts included in a specific order) is carried out according to a number of criteria:

  1. Number of the assembly drawing of the product (order);
  2. Part designation according to the drawing;
  3. Order number;
  4. The complexity of processing the part on site equipment;
  5. The duration of passage of parts of a given order through the machine system of the site (the difference between the start time of processing of the first part and the end of processing of the last part of this order).
  6. The total complexity of operations performed on parts included in this order.
  7. Equipment changeover time;
  8. A sign that the processed parts are provided with technological equipment.
  9. Percentage of part readiness (number of completed technological operations);
  10. The number of parts from a given order that have already been processed at this site;
  11. The total number of parts included in the order.

Based on the given characteristics and calculating a number of specific indicators such as tension (the ratio of indicator 6 to indicator 5), comparing the values ​​of 7 and 4, analyzing the ratios of indicators 9, 10 and 11, the local MES system calculates the current priority for all parts found in one group.

Note that parts from the same order, but located in different areas, may have different calculated priority values.

The logistics scheme of the Calculated Priority Method is used mainly in multi-item production of small-scale and single types. Featuring a "pull" scheduling system and using local MES to ensure high-speed orders flow through individual production areas, this logistics design uses decentralized computing resources to maintain process efficiency in the face of changing job priorities.

Rice. 17. Example of a detailed production schedule
for workplace in MES

A distinctive feature of this method is that the MES system allows you to draw up detailed schedules of work performed within the production area. Despite some complexity in implementation, the method of calculated priorities has significant advantages:

  • current deviations that arise during production are compensated by local MES based on the changing priorities of the tasks being performed, which significantly increases the throughput of the entire system as a whole.
  • there is no need to fix (localize) the position of the ROP and limit the work in progress;
  • it is possible to quickly monitor serious failures (for example, equipment breakdown) at each site and recalculate the optimal sequence of processing parts included in various orders.
  • The presence of local production schedules in certain areas allows for operational functional and cost analysis of production.

In conclusion, we note that the types of “pull” logistics systems discussed in this article have common characteristic features, these are:

  1. Preservation in the entire system as a whole of a limited volume of stable reserves (current reserves) with regulation of their volume at each stage of production, regardless of current factors.
  2. An order processing plan drawn up for one site (a single planning point) determines (automatically “pulls out”) the work plans of other production departments of the enterprise.
  3. Promotion of orders (production tasks) occurs both from the next section in the technological chain to the previous one using the material resources consumed in the production process (“Supermarket”), and from the previous section to the next one according to FIFO rules or calculated priorities.


  1. Jonson J., Wood D., Murphy P. Contemporary Logistics. Prentice Hall, 2001.
  2. Gavrilov D.A. Production management based on the MRP II standard. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 352 p.
  3. Womack D, Jones D. Lean production. How to get rid of losses and achieve prosperity for your company. — M.: Alpina Business Books, 2008, 474 p.
  4. Hallett D. (translation by Kazarin V.) Pull Scheduling Systems Overview. Pull Scheduling, New York, 2009. pp.1-25.
  5. Goldratt E. Purpose. Goal-2. - M.: Balance Business Books, 2005, p. 776.
  6. Dettmer, H.W. Breaking the Constraints to World-Class Performance. Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press, 1998.
  7. Goldratt, E.. Critical Chain. Great Barrington, MA: The North River Press, 1997.
  8. Frolov E.B., Zagidullin R.R. . // General Director, No. 4, 2008, p. 84-91.
  9. Frolov E.B., Zagidullin R.R. . // General Director, No. 5, 2008, p. 88-91.
  10. Zagidullin R., Frolov E. Control of manufacturing production by means of MES systems. // Russian Engineering Research, 2008, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 166-168. Allerton Press, Inc., 2008.
  11. Frolov E.B., Zagidullin R.R. Operational scheduling and dispatching in MES systems. // Machine park, No. 11, 2008, p. 22-27.
  12. Frolov E.B., . // General Director, No. 8, 2008, p. 76-79.
  13. Mazurin A. FOBOS: Effective production management at the workshop level. // CAD and graphics, No. 3, March 2001, p. 73-78. — Computer Press.
    Evgeniy Borisovich Frolov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN", Department of Information Technologies and Computing Systems.

The essence of logistics of production processes is the streamlining of the movement of material flows at the production stage. The main focus of attention remains the optimization of the movement of material flow at the production stage.

The material flow on its way from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer passes through a number of production links. Material flow management at this stage has its own specifics and is called production logistics.

Production logistics considers the processes occurring in the sphere of material production, i.e. production of material goods and production of material services (work that increases the value of previously created goods). The production process is a set of labor and natural processes aimed at producing goods of a given quality, range and on time.

All production processes are divided into main and auxiliary.

The tasks of production logistics relate to the management of material flows within enterprises that create material goods or provide such material services as storage, packaging, hanging, stacking, etc. The main task of production logistics is to ensure the production of products of the required quality on time, and to ensure continuous movement of objects of labor, and continuous employment. The object of production logistics is flow and material processes (material flow, material services). A characteristic feature of the objects of study in production logistics is their territorial compactness.

The logistics systems considered by production logistics are called intra-production logistics systems (ILS). These include industrial enterprises, wholesale enterprises with warehouse facilities, a cargo hub, a shipping hub and others. VLS can be considered at the micro and macro levels.

At the macro level, VLANs act as elements of macrological systems. They set the rhythm of operation of these systems and are the source of material flows. The ability to adapt macrological systems to environmental changes is largely determined by the ability of the VLS included in them to quickly change the qualitative and quantitative composition of the output material flow, i.e. assortment and quantity of products.

High-quality flexibility of VLS can be achieved through the availability of universal service personnel and flexible production.

At the micro level, VLANs represent a number of subsystems that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity and unity. These subsystems - purchasing, warehouses, inventories, service production, transport, information, sales and personnel - ensure the entry of material flow into the system, passage within it and exit from the system. In accordance with the concept of logistics, the construction of a VLS should ensure the possibility of constant coordination and mutual adjustment of plans and actions of supply, production and sales links within the enterprise.

The logistics concept of organizing production includes the following basic provisions:

Refusal of excess stocks;

Refusal of excessive time for performing auxiliary and transport and warehouse operations;

Refusal to manufacture series of parts for which there are no customer orders;

Elimination of equipment downtime;

Elimination of defects is mandatory;

Elimination of irrational intra-factory transportation;

Transforming suppliers from adversarial parties into benevolent partners.

Thus, the logistics organization of production makes it possible to reduce costs in conditions by orienting the enterprise to the buyer’s market, i.e. priority is given to the goal of maximum equipment utilization and the release of large batches of products.

Types of production organization

All modern production organizations are divided into two types: pushing and pulling. In some sources they are called push and pull.

Characteristics of the traditional (push) approach: production of parts in accordance with the schedule (parts arrive as they are ready from the previous operation to the next).

The idea of ​​a pulling or pulling system appeared in the middle of the 20th century. in American supermarkets, when goods were put on the shelves, which were almost immediately replenished as soon as the buyer took a certain number of units of this product. Now this approach has become familiar to Russian buyers. Having originated in a supermarket, such a system was adapted by the Japanese for production.

Advantages of the pulling system:

Refusal of excess inventory, information about the possibility of quickly acquiring materials or the availability of reserve capacity to quickly respond to changes in demand;

Replacing the policy of selling manufactured goods with a policy of producing sold goods;

The task of fully utilizing capacity is replaced by minimizing the time it takes for products to pass through the technological process;

Reducing the optimal batch of resources, reducing the processing batch;

Fulfilling orders with high quality;

Reduction of all types of downtime and irrational intra-plant Transportation.

Disadvantage: high dependence on suppliers.

Such a system is the classic KANBAN system; it requires good performance of suppliers and qualified personnel at each level of production.

The advantages of the push system are the unification, integration of all parts of production, viewing it as a single whole.

Disadvantage: the complexity of monitoring and managing central authorities, the need for good computing resources to ensure good operation of the entire system.

Example: The idea of ​​a pull system is not new today for the Sladko company. Customer focus, a large range of products and a limited shelf life make it necessary to organize the production process according to the supermarket principle. All production processes are planned only on the basis of the sales plan and the availability of products in stock. Information about warehouse balances is promptly provided to all interested departments and is the basis for daily planning of the work of all departments involved in the production process. The same system for controlling residues also operates in the raw materials warehouse. Materials are purchased in the quantities required to produce the required volumes of finished products. All this allows us to significantly reduce production costs, as well as significantly reduce frozen funds in stocks of finished products and raw materials.

The seasonality of demand for confectionery products stimulates the search for ways to reduce production cycle time. The work of an enterprise during a period of sales growth is more like working on a push-out system. The shortage of production capacity that arises at this time reveals bottlenecks in the production scheme and forces us to weave ways to improve efficiency. Based on materials from the article Sweet Practice by Oleg Gribov, production director of the Sladko confectionery factory, Yekaterinburg.

KANBAN system

The KANBAN system was developed by a group of Japanese managers. This system is based on the Just-in-time delivery of the required products in the required quantity at the required time - serves for operational management of production and includes not only special cards, but also vehicles, production schedules, technological and operational cards. Losses in this method include excess products, early production, defects, irrational transportation, storage of excess inventories.

The essence of the KANBAN system is that all production areas of the enterprise, including final assembly lines, are supplied strictly on schedule with exactly the amount of raw materials, components, components and assemblies that are really necessary for the rhythmic production of a precisely defined volume of products. The means for transmitting an order for the delivery of a certain number of specific products is a signal in the form of a label in the form of a special card in a plastic envelope. In this case, a selection card and a production order card are used. The pick card indicates the number of parts that must be taken from the upstream processing area, while the production order card indicates the number of parts that must be produced in the upstream processing area. These cards circulate both within the plant and between numerous supplying companies. They keep track of the quantity of parts needed, thereby ensuring that the production system runs just in time.

KANBAN is an information system that provides operational control of the quantity of products produced at each stage of production.

The selection card contains: the type and quantity of products that must come from the previous section.

The production order card contains: the type and quantity of products that must be manufactured at the previous technological stage.

A supplier card or subcontractor card contains: instructions for the supply of components; a supplier card is a type of selection card.

The signal card is used to describe product batches. Such a card is attached to the container with the batch of products. If parts from the container are taken to the level indicated by the attached card, then the order for their replenishment begins. There are two types of signal cards: a requirement card for material release and a production order card (triangular in shape).

As readiness from the previous operation to the next one. The pull system is that the subsequent section orders and removes parts, assembly units, etc. from the previous section to the next one.

KANBAN rules:

1. The subsequent technological stage must extract the necessary products from the previous one in the required quantityVnecessaryplaceVstrictlyestablishedtime:

Any movement without cards is prohibited;

Any selection exceeding the number of cards is prohibited;

The number of cards must correspond to the number of products.

2. A section produces the following quantity, which is drawn out by the next section:

Production in large quantities is prohibited;

The production sequence corresponds to the order in which the cards arrive.

3. Defective products should not be sent to the next section.

4. The number of cards should be minimal, since the number reflects the maximum supply of parts and components.

5. Cards should be used to adjust production to changes in demand.

The KANBAN system also facilitates the implementation of improvements that lead to increased productivity.

Improve manual operations:

Completely unnecessary (absolutely unnecessary) - downtime, double transportation, storage of intermediate products. Such transactions are subject to liquidation.

Operations that do not increase are unnecessary but inevitable operations (going for parts, transferring tools, unpacking parts received from suppliers, etc.)

Manufacturing operations that add value through the use of human labor! (culling, intermediate assembly, repair work). These operations represent a small portion of the manual operations that add cost.

Based on this, the sequence of eliminating manual labor is visible.

Improvement of equipment.

Criterion cost effectiveness. The goal of any improvement is to reduce the number of employed workers.

Rationalization proposals.

The Rational Suggestion System operates at the level of workers and quality circles - a small group of workers who study various methods and techniques of quality control. Participants in the circles are offered training. Topics are identified.

Production Leveling Methods

When applying the production leveling method, production meets the needs of today, and inventories, as a result of implementing the modular design principle of product manufacturing, can be reduced to a minimum.

The result of production leveling is the production of parts on adjacent lines at a constant speed and constant quantity.

Leveling production through the use of labor

If the demand for products grows, temporary workers are hired, the generalist’s time increases, equipment utilization reaches 100%. An important condition is the ease of training of workers. Changes in the duration of work shifts are possible.

If there is a drop in demand for products, in this case, extraordinary paid holidays are provided, after-hours work is reduced, workers can be transferred to other lines, and equipment readjustment operations are worked out. The production of components that were previously purchased from delivery companies is carried out independently. Meetings of quality circles are held.

The basic philosophy is not necessarily to minimize the amount of equipment, but the main thing is to minimize the number of employees. Overtime practice.

Leveling production through flexible production equipment:

Purchase of multifunctional machines;

Modernization development of equipment for existing machines;

Operational changeover of equipment.

Methods for reducing the duration of the production process.

Methods for shortening the production cycle:

1. Conveyor principle: the entire process is divided into sections in such a way that the operating time at each section is the same, and accordingly, the transportation time between sections should be the same. One or a specific batch of finished products is taken as a unit of operating time.

2. Combination of professions: 1 worker services 16 machines, starts with the 1st machine (the longest operation), etc., after starting 16 machines, returns to the first machine. The operation is completed. Each machine contains workpieces of varying degrees of readiness.

3. Reducing interoperational breaks, i.e. reducing the wait for products from the previous stage.

Methods for reducing changeover time:

1. Separation of internal equipment requiring shutdown and external readjustments. When the equipment is stopped, external readjustments are not carried out.

2. Inclusion of more internal ones in external changeover.

3. Elimination of adjustment.

4. Elimination of readjustment as such. Unified parts are used or different parts are manufactured simultaneously on the same equipment by different workers. The location of the equipment is important in this method.

Method of rationing operations.

The purpose of this method is to reduce the number of employees:

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Let's consider the main logistics tools presented in table. 1.7.

Planning the need for material resources(Material Requirements Planning - MRP) – system for organizing production and logistics; belongs to the class of push-out systems. The system allows you to coordinate and quickly adjust the plans and actions of the purchasing, production and sales units of the enterprise, taking into account constant changes in real time. Purchasing, production and sales plans in the MRP system can be coordinated in the medium and long term; current regulation and control of production inventories is also ensured. The information support of the system includes data from the production plan, a materials file (generated on the basis of the production plan and including the specified names of the necessary materials, indicating their quantity per unit of finished product and with classification according to a number of characteristics, including raw materials, parts, assembly units), inventory file (data on the materials necessary to fulfill the production plan, both those in stock, those ordered, those not yet delivered; the timing of orders, safety stocks, etc.).

Planning distribution requirements(Distribution Requirements Planning – DRP) – a system for monitoring the status of inventories in the logistics system for the sale of products and services. Refers to push-out systems. One of the main parameters of the DRP system is the so-called synchronized order point, determined by forecasting demand in various echelons of the logistics system. The obtained data is used as input data when placing an order for products and calculating the production schedule using the MRP system.

Table 1.7

Business processes, components and logistics tools as enterprise management concepts

Buisness process



Strategic management

Goals, objectives

Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS)

Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR)

Customer Synchronized Resource Planning (CSRP)

Technology management

Technology (consolidation, unbundling)

Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) Optimized Production Technology (ORT) Computer Integrated Manufacture (CIM) Physical Resource Management (PRM)

Comprehensive system for ensuring high-quality equipment operation (Total Productive Maintenance System - TPM)

Replacing a die within one minute (Single Minute Exchange of Dies – SMED)

Workplace rationalization system (5S) Lean Production (LP) Corporate production management systems (Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions - MES)

Logistics management

Structure, (flow, chain), place (territory, trajectory)

Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM) Supply Chain Monitoring (SCMo)

Planning the need for input, internal and output material flows (Logistics Requirements Planning - LRP)

Demand-driven logistics (Demand-driven Teсhniques/Logisties – DDT)

Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)

Flexible Materials Handling System (FMHS)

Product management

Product (quantity, quality)

Continuous Acquisition and Lifecycle Support (CALS)

Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Quality management method "Six Sigma" (Six sigma – 6σ)

Customer Relationship Management



Efficient Customer Response (ECR) Physical Distribution Management (PDM) Sales Force Automation (SFA)

Supplier Relationship Management

Personnel (suppliers, intermediaries)

Active Supply System (ASS)

Outsourcing (O)

Financial management

Price (costs, time)

Just in Time (JIT) Concept Finance Requirements Planning (FRP)

Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

Functional-cost analysis (Value analysis – VA)

Portfolio Management (PM)

Controlling (C)

Least Total Cost (LTC) method

Cost management method (Activity Based Costing - ABC)

Enterprise resource planning(Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP)– optimal distribution of enterprise resources across the logistics system, which allows you to obtain data and reduce the volume of manual operations and the number of tasks associated with the processing of financial, warehouse, transport and other information, as well as with consumer orders. One of the key ways for most organizations to improve key business processes is to integrate quickly and accurately to ensure that the information they need is received, processed and retrieved. Computer-based ERP systems allow for high-quality integration based on a single data model that provides a common interpretation of all data used and sets a set of rules for its evaluation. ERP systems operate on the basis of a common database, which is the foundation for communications within the organization.

Advanced Planning(Advanced Planning and Scheduling - APS) is a methodology that appeared in the mid-1990s. and therefore can be considered one of the latest developments in the theory of production management. Includes two parts: production and procurement planning and production dispatch. The first part of the APS method is similar to the MRP algorithm. The significant difference is that in the APS system, the coordination of materials and capacities does not occur iteratively, but synchronously, which sharply reduces the time of re-planning. Systems like APS allow you to solve problems such as “pushing” an urgent order into production schedules, distributing tasks taking into account priorities and restrictions, and rescheduling using a full-fledged graphical interface. This is especially true for custom production, as well as in cases of fierce competition in terms of order fulfillment and the need to strictly adhere to these deadlines. The second part of the APS method is production dispatch, with the ability to take into account various kinds of restrictions, with optimization elements. The APS functionality found in manufacturing ERP systems is still relatively new. However, it is believed that over time, APS algorithms will become commonplace in many manufacturing plants.

Effectively responding to customer requests(Efficient Customer Response - ECR) - a system for organizing economic relations between suppliers, manufacturers of products and trading enterprises, built on the principle of “just in time” Gust in Time - JIT) and based on precise synchronization of production and sales, suggesting a specific approach to monitoring the status of inventories and reorganizing the functions of logistics systems sales of products and services. This system involves solving the problems of calculating the optimal batch of products to be put into production and the sequence of equipment changeovers, ensuring a more complete link between the production schedule and the delivery schedule. The system uses the principle of continuous replenishment of inventories, according to which the powers of suppliers in determining the volume of the delivery lot and delivery time are expanded; At the same time, the scope of responsibility of suppliers for the consequences of their decisions is established. Continuity of inventory replenishment can be achieved through electronic data exchange between the store's POS system and the supplier's computer. Based on the data obtained, consumer demand is forecasted, various sales scenarios are simulated, delivery schedules are created, etc.

Collaborative planning, forecasting and acquisition(Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment – CPFR) is closely related to the ECR concept and is considered as the result of its further development and improvement. CPFR is an extension of the ECR concept. Unlike ECR projects focused exclusively on the trade sector, the CPFR concept considers not only marketing and logistics cooperation processes, but also processes such as joint planning, forecasting and corporate governance. Unlike ECR, CPFR focuses on improving the quality and relevance of data rather than simply exchanging information.

The main difference between CPFR and ECR is the calculation of demand and supply forecasts, which are constantly updated. Thus, supply chain participants have the opportunity to quickly and plannedly compare the values ​​of work performance parameters and adequately adapt their own plans.

The CPFR process model provides practical steps for implementing collaboration. The essence of the CPFR process model is to bring together all partners for the purpose of close cooperation based on the resources and information provided by both parties. After the goals and limiting conditions of cooperation are determined, the

joint forecasting stage. First of all, a sales forecast is drawn up based on the requirements of general business plans. A calendar plan of important events is drawn up, such as, for example, an excessive or insufficient number of branches, marketing campaigns, the introduction of new products, i.e. events that may affect product sales. At this stage, the planned processes and forecasts are converted into a practical business process and the delivery process begins.

The key advantages of CPFR are the same forecasting of consumer demand for all partners; coordination of cooperation between manufacturer and seller from sales forecast to solving problems arising in operational business processes; dynamic approach to solving problem situations; guaranteed supplies of products from sellers and manufacturers based on general forecasting.

Consumer-synchronized resource scheduling(Customer Synchronized Resource Planning – CSRP) – systems that use proven, integrated ERP functionality and reorient production planning from production further to the buyer (end consumer). CSRPs provide powerful methods and applications for creating products with increased customer value by redefining business practices to focus them on market rather than production activities. At the same time, business processes now integrate the interests of customers.

The essence of the concept is that when managing an enterprise, it is possible and necessary to take into account not only its material resources, but also all resources that are usually considered as “auxiliary” or “overhead”. These are resources consumed during marketing and “current” work with the client, after-sales service (service) of goods, logistics operations, as well as intra-shop resources. Thus, all stages of the product’s “life cycle” are taken into account. Therefore, a CSRP system is often called an “integrated system for maintaining the functional life cycle of a product.”

The implementation of the CSRP concept allows you to manage customer orders and, in general, all work with them in an order of magnitude more “detailed” than was possible before. Indeed, hourly changes in the production schedule have become a reality, which in the context of a “classical” ERP task was classified as a “nightmare”, but in specific medium- and small-sized industries it occurs everywhere (in Russia - almost everywhere).

A detailed analysis of the cost of an order and even specific products included in it became possible already at the stage of its registration, and not in “average ceiling” figures, but taking into account specific technological solutions. When calculating the cost, you can even take into account all the additional operations for testing and administrative servicing of the order, not to mention after-sales service (service) (the entire “business cycle” or “life cycle” of the product), which is practically impossible in standard systems. It is also easy to model problems like: “what is better: to produce or buy?”, “what is cheaper: components or components of the finished product?”.

A typical example is an urgent customer order that is not included in the production schedules. To accept or not to accept an order? In this case, one should take into account the costs of readjusting equipment, losses from possible untimely execution of orders already placed (planned) in production, costs of urgent purchase of missing raw materials or components, etc. The dilemma also belongs to this category of problems: is it worth it for a trading company to open a new product line if this requires the development of a service network, expansion of warehouse space, an increase in the staff of managers, and increased advertising costs? Will the potential profits justify all these costs? A CSRP system can answer all these questions.

Buyer-aligned resource planning offers a new set of business rules that enable the development of solutions and services that make manufacturers relevant to buyers. Competitive advantage is increasingly defined as the ability of manufacturers to meet the elite needs of a particular customer every day. For example, the order processing process is expanded from just an order entry function to truly integrate sales and marketing functions. Order processing now begins not with the order itself, but with customer data or even sales prospects.

Flexible Manufacturing Systems(Flexible Manufacturing Systems - FMS)– a set of various combinations of numerically controlled equipment, robotic technological complexes, flexible production modules, individual units of technological equipment, systems for ensuring the functioning of flexible production systems in automatic mode for a given time interval. Flexible production systems have the property of automated changeover in the production of products of an arbitrary nomenclature within established limits of values ​​and characteristics. These systems make it possible to almost completely eliminate manual labor in loading and unloading and transport and storage operations, and to make the transition to unmanned, and in the future, to unmanned technology.

Optimized production technologies– (Optimized Production Technology – ORT) is a system for organizing production and logistics, developed by American and Israeli specialists. A number of Western experts, not without reason, argue that ORT is actually a computerized version of the Kanban system, with the significant difference that ORT prevents the occurrence of bottlenecks in the procurement-production-sales chain, while Kanban allows you to effectively eliminate already existing bottlenecks. The main principle of the ORT system is the identification of “bottlenecks” in production or, in the terminology of its creators, “critical resources”. Critical resources can be, for example, stocks of raw materials, machinery and equipment, technological processes, and personnel. The efficiency of the economic system as a whole depends on the efficiency of use of critical resources, while the intensification of the use of other resources, called non-critical, has virtually no effect on the efficiency of the system. Based on the principle discussed above, enterprises using the ORT system do not strive to ensure 100% utilization of workers engaged in non-critical operations, since the intensification of the labor of these workers will lead to an increase in work in progress and other undesirable consequences. Enterprises encourage the use of the working time reserve of such workers for advanced training, holding meetings of quality circles, etc. Based on the list of priorities, it is planned to provide maximum resources for products that have the highest (zero) priority, and provide all other products in descending order of priority; a search for alternative resources is carried out in case of deviation from the production schedule.

Integrated automated production(Computer Integrated Manufacture - CIM) – computerized integrated production. CIM is a further extension of the capabilities of enterprise management systems, similar to the extension of MRP to the MRP II level. In a classic MRP II/ERP system, planning and management functions are interconnected with the functions of implementing plans, accounting and managing orders, suppliers, production, clients, and financial management. In turn, CIM adds to this integrated set the capabilities of computer-aided design (CAD systems) and operational management of workshops and equipment (ICS systems) - functions for which such close interaction with the main business system was not previously provided. Thus, the CIM system integrates various software products, which, as a rule, have different ideologies, different operating systems and data formats.

Maintenance management of fixed assets(Physical Resource Management - PRM) – a system for managing the maintenance of production assets, providing a systematic approach to various elements (industrial buildings, technological equipment, vehicles, etc.) throughout their entire service life. The PRM system ensures the collection and processing of information on the state of production assets, the issuance of recommendations for preventive and major repairs, control of the supply of spare parts, etc.

Comprehensive system for ensuring high-quality equipment operation(Total Productive Maintenance System - TPM) is a system that provides an optimal combination of the actual use of production facilities and the costs of maintaining them in good condition by reducing breakdowns and downtime (including changeovers), as well as increasing productivity and improving equipment. TRM provides for the active participation of workers at all levels of various services of the enterprise in the process of improving the use of equipment.

Replacing the die within one minute (Single Minute Exchange of Dies – SMED) – changeover or re-equipment of equipment in less than 10 minutes. It is a set of theoretical and practical methods that can reduce the time of setup and changeover of equipment. The system was originally designed to streamline die changeovers and related equipment changeovers, but the principles of "fast changeover" can be applied to all types of processes. One-touch changeover (One-touch setup or One-Touch Exchange of Die) is a variant of SMED, where the changeover time is measured in units of minutes (no more than 9).

Workplace rationalization system (5S) is a system for organizing and rationalizing the workplace. It was developed in post-war Japan by Toyota.

  • 5S is five Japanese words:
    • – seiri (sorting) – a clear division of things into necessary and unnecessary and getting rid of the latter;
    • – seiton (maintaining order – neatness) – organizing the storage of necessary things, which allows you to quickly and easily find and use them;
    • – seiso (keeping clean – cleaning) – keeping the workplace clean and tidy;
    • – seiketsu (standardization – maintaining order) – a necessary condition for fulfilling the first three rules;
    • – shitsuke (improvement – ​​habit formation) – nurturing the habit of accurately following established rules, procedures and technological operations.

Lean Production LP) is a management concept based on the relentless pursuit of eliminating all types of losses. Lean manufacturing involves the involvement of each employee in the business optimization process and maximum customer focus. Lean manufacturing is an interpretation

interpretation of the ideas of the Toyota production system by American researchers of its phenomenon.

Within the framework of the lean manufacturing concept, many elements have been identified: one-piece flow; kanban; general equipment care – Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) system; 5S system; quick changeover (SMED); kaizen; poka-yoke (“error protection”) is a special device or method due to which defects simply cannot appear.

Corporate production management systems (Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions – MES) – a group of automation tools that arose as a result of the isolation of tasks not related to ERP. MES systems usually include applications responsible for: management of production and human resources within the technological process, planning and control of the sequence of operations of the technological process, product quality management, storage of raw materials and manufactured products by technological departments, maintenance of production equipment, communication of ERP systems and SCADA/DCS.

Event Management in Supply Chains(Supply Chain Event Management – SCEM). Supply chain monitoring modules (SCEM) use visual tools to show how effectively these chains are managed and promptly warn of any changes in the complexly structured supply chain of enterprises that are forced to integrate data about suppliers, finished product manufacturers, dealers and other participants located across to the whole world.

Supply chain monitoring(Supply Chain Monitoring – SCMo) – a new generation of Lean ERP or non-ERP systems. It was developed in 2002 to plan and monitor industrial supply chains both inside and outside enterprises. Currently, the SCMo system is a solution for enterprises that are constantly improving their activities, enterprises that strive to be thrifty in all management processes, including in the field of IT systems for managing logistics activities. The main functionality of SCMo includes the necessary set

functions designed to support discrete production: management of product compositions; inventory management, purchasing, demand/sales management, cost management and of course production planning and monitoring.

Due to the relative youth of the system, SCMo does not have many of the "chronic" problems of traditional ERP. On the contrary, during its initial development and during its current development, the most modern concepts of both software architecture and management methods were and are used. Namely:

  • – SCMo was originally designed to work on an Internet platform using Microsoft.NET;
  • – the system is “logically” built according to the SOA principle, i.e. “assembled” and configured for each specific production system and for the characteristics of the enterprise;
  • – extensive production management functionality supports effective management techniques such as:
  • – Lean Production (pull planning, management using the Kanban system, visualization of what is happening, including through web cameras, barcoding, poka-yoka, support for a single flow, calculation of minimum and maximum inventory levels);
  • – TOC (identification of “bottlenecks”, production planning based on the “drum-buffer-rope” principle);
  • - "fast enterprise".

Planning the need for input, internal and output material flows(Logistics Requirements Planning – LRP) – a system for planning and coordinating material flows at the enterprise level, supply chains, territorial production complex, etc. The LRP system provides an integrated approach to inventory management, forecasting demand for transportation, determining the optimal linkage coefficient for the movement of material resources, etc. The LRP system makes extensive use of application packages used within the MRP and DRP systems.

Demand-Driven Logistics(Demand-driven Techniques/Logistics – DDT). This technology was developed as a modification of the RP concept ("planning

needs") in order to improve the response of the logistics system to changes in consumer demand. The most well-known are the following four variants of the concept: rules based reorder (RBR), quick response (QR), continuous replenishment (CR) and automatic replenishment (AR). At the end of 1990 In the 1990s, improved versions of the DDT–Effective Customer Response (ECR) and Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) concepts, based on new capabilities of logistics information systems and technologies, appeared.

RBR technology is based on one of the oldest methods of inventory control and management, based on the concept of reorder point (ROP) and statistical parameters of product demand (consumption). This technology is used to determine and optimize safety stocks in order to smooth out fluctuations in demand.

The effectiveness of the method largely depends on the accuracy of demand forecasting, as a result of which for a long time it was not very popular among specialists in logistics management. Since forecasts of consumer demand for finished products were not highly accurate, RBR technology did not find practical application in logistics activities. The revival of the method is associated with the revolution in information technology, when it became possible to receive and process information about demand from each point of sale in real time using modern telecommunications and information and computer systems.

This was also facilitated by new flexible production technologies, which significantly reduced the duration of production logistics cycles. RBR is used primarily to regulate safety stocks. Other DDT-oriented methods are also used.

Customer Managed Inventory(Vendor Managed Inventory – VMI) is a supply management practice in which inventories are controlled, planned and managed by the supplier based on expected demand volumes and pre-agreed minimum and maximum inventory levels. Traditionally, success in supply chain management depends on understanding key processes and finding a balance between the enterprise's inventory policy and the level of after-sales customer service. VMI projects are designed to improve both dimensions.

The VMI concept is based on the belief that the manufacturer is in a better position to manage inventory because it has more information regarding production capabilities and schedules. Additionally, outsourcing the inventory management function to a reseller to the manufacturer shortens the supply chain, increasing supply visibility and reducing overall inventory levels. To manage supply in accordance with the VMI approach, the manufacturer regularly requires sales data transmitted by the retailer via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), other electronic means, or through traditional agents, for example, using RFID technology. Based on the data received, the manufacturer sees the current picture of product balances in the warehouses of resellers, the dynamics of end-consumer demand, and calculates the order volume for shipment to these resellers.

Flexible warehouse cargo handling system(Flexible Materials Handling System - FMHS) - a set of various combinations of flexible warehouse modules, flexible production modules, a robotic intra-warehouse transport network, systems to ensure operation in automatic and semi-automatic modes for a given time interval. FMHS is designed to automate technological processes in warehouses, considered as an organizational and functional whole, i.e. primarily in the warehouses of trade organizations not directly related to product production processes.

Continuous procurement and product lifecycle support(Continuous Acquisition and Lifecycle Support – CALS) – a system for monitoring and managing scientific research and development in the field of creating military equipment, organizing its production and logistics support. The CALS system provides a set of standards for automated data exchange between the customer placing a government contract for the development and production of military equipment, suppliers of components and raw materials, as well as departments that manufacture and operate military equipment. What these standards have in common is the principle of entering information once and reusing it, paperless technologies for transferring information between local integrated databases. Interaction of the CALS system with flexible production systems of manufacturing enterprises, computer-aided design systems of developing enterprises, etc. is provided.

Computer-aided design(Computer Aided Design – CAD, russian CAD) – a software package intended for the design (development) of production (or construction) facilities, as well as the preparation of design and (or) technological documentation.

The components of multifunctional CAD systems are traditionally grouped into three main blocks CAD, CAM, CAE. The modules of the CAD (Computer Aided Designed) block are intended mainly for performing graphic work, the CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) modules are for solving problems of technological preparation of production, and the CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) modules are for engineering calculations, analysis and verification of design solutions.

There are a large number of CAD packages of different levels. Systems in which the main focus is on creating “open” (i.e. expandable) basic CAD graphic modules have become widespread, while modules for performing calculation or technological tasks (corresponding to the CAM and CAE blocks) are left for development by users or organizations. specialized in related programming. Such additional modules can be used independently, without CAD systems, which is very often practiced in construction design. They themselves can represent large software systems for which they develop their own applications that allow them to solve more specific problems.

Total Quality Management(Total Quality Management - TQM)– this is a fundamentally new approach to managing any organization, aimed at quality, based on the participation of all its members (staff in all departments and at all levels of the organizational structure) and aimed at achieving long-term success through meeting customer requirements and benefits for both the organization’s employees, and for society as a whole. The main goals of TQM are:

  • – the entrepreneur’s orientation towards meeting current and potential consumer demands;
  • – raising quality to the rank of a business goal;
  • – optimal use of all enterprise resources.

The most important elements of TQM are:

  • – involvement of top management: the quality strategy in the company (organization) should provide for constant, continuous and personal participation of the top management (manager) of the company in issues related to quality. This is one of the main and mandatory conditions for the successful implementation of TQM, which is the key to the successful operation of the enterprise in matters of quality assurance;
  • – emphasis on the consumer: focus all enterprise activities on the needs and wishes of both external and internal consumers;
  • – universal participation in the work: provide opportunities for everyone to truly participate in the process of achieving the main goal – satisfying consumer needs;
  • – attention to processes: focus on processes, considering them as an optimal system for achieving the main goal - maximizing the value of the product for the consumer and minimizing its cost, both for the consumer and the manufacturer;
  • – continuous improvement: constantly and continuously improve the quality of the product;
  • – basing decisions on facts: base all decisions of the enterprise only on facts, and not on the intuition or experience of its employees.

Six Sigma quality management method(Six sigma – 6σ) is a high-tech technique for fine-tuning business processes, used to minimize the likelihood of defects occurring in operational activities. The name comes from the statistical category "standard deviation", denoted by the Greek letter σ. The method is based on six basic principles:

  • – sincere interest in the client;
  • – management based on data and facts;
  • – process orientation, process management and process improvement;
  • – proactive (anticipatory) management;
  • – cooperation without borders (transparency of barriers between enterprises);
  • - striving for excellence plus tolerance for failure.

When implementing projects according to the methodology, the sequence of stages DMAIC is used ("define", "measure", "analyze", "improve", "control" - identify, measure, analyze, improve, control):

  • – determination of project goals and customer requests (internal and external);
  • – process measurement to determine current execution;
  • – analysis and identification of the root causes of defects;
  • – process improvement by reducing defects; control of the further course of the process.

Physical distribution management(Physical Distribution Management - PDM) is associated with ensuring a process during which the required product is on time in the right place at an acceptable price. PDM is the organization of the flow of resources from the moment an order is received until the finished product is delivered to the client. Besides transportation, PDM is closely related to production planning, purchasing, order processing, material control and warehousing. Management of all these areas must be carried out in cooperation with each other, guaranteeing the level of service that customers require and the level of costs that the company can afford.

Physical distribution management (PDM) is about ensuring the process that gets the right product to the right place on time at the right price.

PDM consists of four fundamentally important components:

  • – level of inventories;
  • – order processing process;
  • - storage facilities;
  • – transport support.

Sales management(Sales Force Automation - SFA) sales automation system. It automatically registers all stages of sales of an enterprise. SFA includes a customer contact tracking system and a lead identification system. SFA integrates easily with CRM and can serve as the basis for this system. The most advanced SFA systems provide the client with the opportunity to model a product that meets his needs “online”. It became popular in the automobile industry. The buyer can use this function to choose the most suitable color and interior of the car. Statistical data proves the ineffectiveness of any organization without proper planning of the sales process. It is known for certain that 60% of enterprises for this reason cease to exist in the first three years after their creation.

Active Supply Chain(Active Supply System - ASS) – delivery of materials from the enterprise’s warehouse to its divisions, while the issuance, loading and transfer of materials is carried out by the logistics department or warehouse. ASS provides for the establishment of limits and schedules for the delivery of materials; calculating the need for loading and unloading vehicles, establishing their work schedules and rational routes, calculating the size of delivery lots; control over the use of materials; establishment of financial responsibility for the safety of supplied goods and their transfer to financially responsible persons of consumers. ASS frees shop workers from paperwork and allows for better use of industrial transport by reducing downtime during loading and unloading operations and making fuller use of carrying capacity; increases the responsibility of logistics workers for timely production.

Outsourcing(Outsourcing – ABOUT) - a way to optimize the activities of enterprises by focusing on the core subject and transferring non-core functions and corporate roles to external specialized enterprises. Using outsourcing, an enterprise acquires a number of advantages: it reduces the costs of servicing business processes, improves the quality of non-core activities, optimizes activities, as it concentrates resources on the main activity of the enterprise, and helps improve the qualifications of personnel.

"Just in time" concept(Just in Time - JIT) the concept of organizing production, based on the synchronization of the work of various departments of the enterprise connected by a logistics chain, on the synchronization of delivery schedules and production schedules, on periodic analysis of production in order to eliminate all unnecessary links. The JIT concept involves shortening the production cycle, reducing changeover time and the length of the queue in front of processing centers, promptly eliminating bottlenecks, improving product quality, allowing us to simplify the acceptance control procedure or eliminate it altogether.

Planning for financial needs(Finite/Finance Requirements Planning – FRP). This abbreviation hides various methodologies: the first is planning of production resources in conditions of limited capacity, the second is planning of financial resources. Neither has the status of a de facto standard, mainly due to the fact that this kind of planning is quite specific to a particular enterprise.

Balanced Scorecard(Balanced Scorecard - BSC) - the concept of transferring and decomposing strategic goals for planning operational activities and monitoring their achievement. In essence, BSC is a mechanism for interconnecting strategic plans and decisions with daily tasks, a way to direct the activities of an entire enterprise (or group of enterprises) towards their achievement. At the level business processes control of strategic activities is carried out through the so-called key performance indicators(Key Performance Indicator – ΚΡΙ). ΚΡΙ are measures of the achievability of goals, as well as characteristics of the effectiveness of business processes and the work of each individual employee.

In this context, BSC is a tool not only for strategic but also for operational management.

The advantage of BSC is that the organization that has implemented this system receives as a result " coordinate system" actions in accordance with strategy at all levels of management and link different functional areas, such as, for example, personnel Management, finance, information Technology and so on. It is incorrect to consider BSC one-sidedly, from the perspective of any functional area. Such attempts make success of the application extremely difficult and discredit the concept.

Functional cost analysis(Value analysis - V.A.) – study of options for designing a new or improving a manufactured product; development of a software product, service, etc. from the point of view of their compliance with the functions performed at a given level of production costs, development costs, etc. The main directions of VA are the standardization of components, the use of cheaper materials and the reduction of material consumption of products, the establishment of optimal requirements for the quality of the product and its production technology.

Portfolio management(Portfolio Management - RM) has absorbed many positive features of other approaches to financial management. To achieve the ultimate goal, organizations are encouraged to view both information service employees and information technology investments not as costs, but as assets that are managed according to the same principles as any other investment. In other words, we can say that the head of the enterprise IT service constantly monitors capital investments and evaluates new investments according to the criteria of costs, benefits and risks, as an independent project. He must minimize the risk by investing money in different technological projects, thus forming a portfolio of projects and leveling the risks of some investment projects with the help of other projects.

Switching to using the method is not so easy, and often this transition entails a reorganization of both the management system and a change in the organizational structure of management. If the enterprise does not change management methods in accordance with the method under consideration, the advantages will be lost, because they imply the use of a specific philosophy of working with assets, and the human factor cannot be underestimated, but when moving to this method, the approach of enterprise employees to investment projects will have to change.

Controlling(Controlling - WITH) is a functionally separate area of ​​economic work at an enterprise, associated with the implementation of financial and economic functions in management for making operational and strategic management decisions. The main tasks of controlling include: finding effective ways to achieve the intended goals; making operational and strategic decisions aimed at achieving goals; assessing the efficiency of using all enterprise resources; identifying reserves for reducing costs of production and sales of products and services; prevention of crisis situations in the near and distant future.

Minimum total cost method(Least Total Cost – LTC) – a method for calculating the optimal batch of products put into production. This method compares the costs of equipment changeover or transportation and procurement costs and the costs of creating and storing inventories for different batches. The batch for which the costs for both groups coincide is selected as optimal.

Cost management method(Activity Based Costing – ABC) - a subset of functional cost analysis that determines and takes into account only costs in the context of business processes (operations) of an enterprise - in production, marketing, sales, delivery, technical support, provision of services, customer service, quality assurance, etc.

The ABC method allows you to perform the following types of work:

  • – determination and analysis of costs for the implementation of business processes;
  • – comparative analysis of alternative options for business processes of production, sales and management obtained during the optimization of business processes;
  • – optimization of business processes in terms of time and cost indicators, resource requirements;
  • – identification and analysis of the main costs in the context of the structural divisions of the enterprise;
  • – create budgets for structural divisions of the enterprise.

The application of the ABC method is based on the creation of models of business processes and the enterprise as a whole. Carrying out an analysis of the model allows you to obtain a large amount of structured information (cost and time indicators, indicators of labor intensity and labor costs) for all types of enterprise activities for the analysis and optimization of business processes and the structure of the company, as well as for making management decisions to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of this enterprise.

For activity-based management (functional management), the ABM - Activity Based Management method is used, which seeks to present the enterprise as a set of various interacting activities (business processes and their operations), the ABM method is process (operational) cost management.

In the process of developing scientific and technological progress, the formation of a buyer's market, changing priorities in consumer motivations and the intensification of all forms of competition, the dynamism of the market environment is increasing. At the same time, trying to maintain the advantages of mass production, but subject to the trend of individualization, entrepreneurs are increasingly convinced of the need to organize production along the lines of flexible production and logistics systems. In the sphere of circulation, services, management - flexible, reconfigurable logistics systems.

A flexible production and logistics system is a set of various combinations of numerically controlled equipment, robotic technological complexes, flexible production modules, individual units of technological equipment, systems for ensuring the functioning of flexible reconfigurable systems in automatic mode for a given time interval.

Flexible production and logistics systems have the property of automated changeover during the production of products of an arbitrary range or the provision of production services. They make it possible to almost completely eliminate manual labor during loading and unloading and transport and storage operations, and to make the transition to low-crowd technology.

Organizing production according to the type of flexible production systems is practically impossible without the use of logistics approaches in managing material and information flows. The trend towards creating flexible production (reconfigurable) systems progresses very quickly, so the widespread dissemination of the concept of logistics in the field of basic production is promising and unambiguous. The modular principle of functioning of production and logistics systems integrates two leading forms of organizing production and economic activities.

Flexibility represents the ability of a production and logistics system to quickly adapt to changes in operating conditions with minimal costs and without losses. Flexibility is one of the effective means of ensuring sustainability in the production process.

Flexibility of the machine system (equipment flexibility). It reflects the duration and cost of transition to the production of the next item of parts (semi-finished products) within the range assigned to the flexible production and logistics system. An indicator of this flexibility is considered to be the number of items of parts manufactured in the intervals between adjustments.

Assortment flexibility. It reflects the ability of the production and logistics system to update products. Its main characteristics are the timing and cost of preparing the production of a new type of parts (semi-finished products) or a new set of logistics operations.

An indicator of assortment flexibility is maximum renewal rate of products or complex of logistics operations, in which the functioning of the production and logistics system remains cost-effective.

Technological flexibility. This is structural and organizational flexibility, which reflects the ability of the production and logistics system to use various technological process options to smooth out possible deviations from the pre-developed production schedule.

Flexibility of production volumes. It manifests itself in the ability of the production and logistics system to rationally produce parts (semi-finished products) in conditions of dynamic launch batch sizes.

The main indicator of the flexibility of production volumes is the minimum batch size (material flows) at which the operation of this system remains cost-effective.

Flexibility of system expansion. Otherwise, it is called the design flexibility of the production and logistics system. It reflects the possibilities of modulating this system and its subsequent development (expansion). With the help of design flexibility, the possibilities of combining several subsystems into a single complex are realized.

An indicator of design flexibility is the maximum number of pieces of equipment that can be used in a flexible production and logistics system while maintaining the basic design solutions for the logistics (transport and warehouse) system and management system.

System versatility. This type of flexibility is characterized by a variety of parts (semi-finished products) that can potentially be processed in flexible production and logistics systems.

An assessment of the versatility of the system is the predicted number of modifications of parts (semi-finished products) that will be processed in a flexible production and logistics system for the entire period of its operation.

Each production and logistics system is developed to meet the needs and strategy of a specific enterprise. Therefore, it is specialized not only in its technological purpose, but also in the entire range of production and economic tasks.

The most important integrating logistics system in the field of primary production is automated transport and warehouse system . In essence, it ensures the functioning of flexible production and logistics systems.

Classification of logistics costs by functional basis

Logistics Cost GroupComposition of logistics costs
Supply costs– costs of researching the procurement market;
– expenses for maintaining supply department staff;
– entertainment expenses and travel expenses for supply workers;
– costs caused by delays in production due to supply;
– costs of accepting products and preparing them for production consumption;
– expenses for providing and processing orders, concluding contracts;
– costs of maintaining contacts with suppliers;
– expenses for monitoring compliance with the terms of supply contracts.>
Costs of organizing and managing production– expenses for R&D, design and technological preparation of production;
– costs of equipment readjustment and downtime due to poor production management;
– replacement costs;
– expenses for technical assurance of product quality;
– costs of drawing up production schedules;
– expenses for intra-production movements;
– cost of defective products;
– costs for waste removal and recycling.
Distribution costs– expenses for consumer market research;
– costs of processing consumer orders;
– expenses for maintaining contacts with consumers;
– entertainment expenses and travel expenses for sales employees;
– costs of paying for the services of resellers;
– expenses for pre-sales and after-sales services;
– expenses for organizing reverse material flows;
– fines to consumers for late deliveries of products;
– losses in sales due to non-fulfillment of customer orders.
Transportation costs– costs associated with preparing products for shipment (checking quantity, quality, labeling, packaging);
– expenses for unloading and loading operations;
– payment of the cost of transporting products to third parties;
– costs of storing products at transshipment points;
– costs of fuel, lubricants, electricity for moving operations;
– expenses for maintenance and current repairs of movable vehicles;
– costs of maintaining drivers;
– depreciation of movable vehicles;
– costs of maintaining the production and technical base and infrastructure of various types of transport;
– cargo insurance costs;
– payment of customs tariffs, taxes and fees when crossing the customs border.
Costs of maintaining warehouses and storing inventories– cost of inventories;
– rent for warehouse space;
– expenses for security of warehouse premises;
– operating costs (electricity, heat and water supply, current repairs);
– depreciation of warehouse premises and equipment;
– costs of maintaining warehouse personnel;
– expenses for quantitative and qualitative acceptance of products;
– expenses for operations with containers and packaging;
– losses from storing inventories (damage to products, deterioration in quality, markdowns, write-offs, natural losses, obsolescence, theft);
– interest rates on a bank loan;
– costs of packaging products;
– costs associated with inventory shortages (lost sales revenue, additional costs caused by delays in production, fines for delays in delivering products to customers, etc.);
– expenses from immobilization of funds in reserves.
Expenses for supporting the information support subsystem– costs of maintaining employees involved in managing logistics processes;
– payment for consulting services of third-party organizations for the management of logistics activities;
– costs associated with office work (office, postage, etc.);
– depreciation of computer equipment, office equipment, premises and inventory;
– expenses for maintaining administrative premises;
– costs of training logistics personnel at all levels.

It should be noted that the proposed classification is not exhaustive, since the allocation of certain costs or groups of costs depends on the type of logistics system, management and optimization tasks in specific supply chains and channels.

The basic principle on which logistics cost management is based is the concept of total costs.

The concept of total cost or total cost was first introduced by Howard Lewis, James Calliot and Jake Steele. They showed how the total cost approach justifies the use of expensive air transport. The basic idea was that if the speed and reliability of air travel reduces or completely eliminates other costs (particularly warehousing and inventory storage), high transport costs are justified by lower overall costs. Lewis, Culliton and Steele's framework describes the analysis of the relationships between different types of costs and shows how overall costs can be reduced through careful integration of logistics operations.

The concept of total costs is simple and complements the concept of logistics as an integrated system. Its essence is that all costs are considered to be incurred simultaneously to provide the required service. When comparing alternative approaches, costs for some functions will increase, for others they will decrease or remain the same. The goal is to find the alternative that has the lowest total cost. Thus, the concept of total cost analysis focuses efforts on minimizing not partial, but total costs.

Effective management of logistics costs involves the organization of an effective control system. Recommendations for controlling logistics costs consist of the following statements:

1. Efforts must be concentrated on controlling costs where they arise.

2. Data on different types of expenses must be processed differently.

3. An effective way to reduce costs is to reduce inappropriate activities (procedures, work, operations). Attempts to reduce the level of additional costs are rarely effective.

4. Effective cost control requires that the enterprise's activities be assessed as a whole, and it is necessary to have an understanding of the performance in all functional areas of logistics.