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Mistakes are experience. Quotes, aphorisms and statements about mistakes

Mistakes are a common bridge between experience and wisdom. Phyllis Theros

A man who does not make mistakes receives orders from those who do. Herbert Procnow

Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. George Santayana

If you look back at your life, I bet you will regret eighty percent of your actions. But life is all about mistakes. Sylvester Stallone

Life is very interesting if you make mistakes. Georges Carpentier

He who does nothing never makes mistakes. Theodore Roosevelt

When you don't make mistakes, you stop improving. George Martin. "A Feast for Crows"

By putting people first, you will never make mistakes, even in matters of making money. Michael Marks

The best of men, if the mistakes he had committed were written on his forehead, would have to pull his hat over his eyes. T. Gray

Just as many twisted strings form a rope, often a huge stupidity is just the sum of small stupidities. Unravel the rope, line by line, consider, each separately, the smallest decisive reasons that led to great stupidity, and you will easily understand everything. “And that’s all,” you say. But twist them, tie them again - and you will see how scary it is. Victor Hugo. "Les Miserables"

He who longs to accomplish great things must take risks and make mistakes without losing heart because of this and without fear of being discovered; a person who knows his weaknesses can try to turn them to his advantage, but this is not often possible. L. Vauvenargues

A person makes fatal mistakes not because he behaves recklessly (the moments when a person is reckless can bring him the greatest success in life) but precisely because of excessive rationality. This is the main reason for stupid actions. Oscar Wilde

The one who correctly points out my mistakes is my teacher. The one who correctly marks my right actions is my friend. Anyone who flatters me is my enemy. Xiang Tzu

The great dignity of man lies in his ability to correct his mistakes and constantly make a new man out of himself. Wang Yang-Ming.

Mistakes do not fulfill their mission in helping a person who blames other people for his mistakes. Henry S. Haskins.

The biggest mistake you can make in life is to be constantly afraid of making a mistake. Elbert Hubbard.

A mistake gives you the opportunity to start all over again, only more intelligently. Henry Ford.

A person must learn to forgive his mistakes. Arthur Davison Fick.

Forget mistakes. Forget failure. Forget everything except what you are going to do now and do it. Today is your lucky day. Will Durant

If I had to live my life over again, I would dare to make more mistakes. Nadine Histry.

It's a pity that you can't stop time and go back to correct previous mistakes. Life doesn't give you second chances. Therefore, live from your heart. Trust your heart. Do everything to achieve your goal. Never give up. Heath Ledger

Learn from other people's mistakes - you can't live long enough to make them all yourself. Martin Vanby.

There is nothing completely wrong in the world - even a broken clock shows the exact time twice a day.

Paulo Coelho

The mirror reflects correctly; it does not make mistakes, because it does not think. To think is almost always to be wrong.

Paulo Coelho

An adversary who reveals your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who hides them.

Leonardo da Vinci

Never be afraid to make mistakes - you don’t have to be afraid of hobbies or disappointments. Disappointment is a payment for something previously received, sometimes it may be disproportionate, but be generous. Just be careful not to generalize your disappointment and don’t color everything else with it. Then you will gain the strength to resist the evils of life and correctly appreciate its good sides.

Alexander Green

The worst mistake you can make in life is to be afraid of making a mistake all the time.

Elbert Hubbard

They learn from their mistakes, and make a career from others.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Any passion pushes you to make mistakes, but love pushes you to the stupidest ones.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

Many men, having fallen in love with a dimple, mistakenly marry the whole girl.

Stephen Leacock

Just a few years ago she still complained about herself, was still capable of heroic deeds, but now she has learned to adapt to her own mistakes. She knew that the same thing happens to other people: they get used to their mistakes and mistakes to such an extent that they gradually begin to confuse them with their merits. And then it’s too late to change anything in your life.

Paulo Coelho

The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes.


My mistake was that I expected fruit from a tree that could only bear flowers.

Honore Mirabeau

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Alexander Pope

You can always forgive yourself for mistakes if you only have the courage to admit them.

Be more tolerant of other people's mistakes. Perhaps you yourself were born by mistake.

Alexander Kumor

Listeners who are too smart are boring to deal with. They think they know everything, and they are wrong.

Dmitry Yemets

Every woman's mistake is a man's fault.

Johann Herder

Making a mistake and realizing it is wisdom. Realizing a mistake and not hiding it is honesty.

Close the door to all error and truth cannot enter.

Rabindranath Tagore

Anyone who thinks that he can do without others is greatly mistaken; but he who thinks that others cannot do without him is even more mistaken.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

He who does nothing never makes mistakes.

Theodore Roosevelt

A man who does not make mistakes receives orders from those who do.

Herbert Procnow

Everyone calls their own mistakes experience.

Oscar Wilde

Anyone who deeply examines his soul catches himself making mistakes so often that he inevitably becomes modest. He is no longer proud of his enlightenment, he does not consider himself superior to others.

Claude-Adrian Helvetius

To make mistakes is the property of man, to forgive is the property of the gods.

Alexander Pope

Do you want to win your mentor's favor? Give him the opportunity to correct your mistake from time to time.

Wieslaw Brudzinski

Archery teaches us how to seek the truth. When a shooter misses, he does not blame others, but looks for the blame in himself.


It is much easier to find error than truth.

Johann Goethe

The mistake is from God. So don't try to fix the mistake. On the contrary, try to understand it, penetrate its meaning, and get used to it. And liberation will come.

Salvador Dali

If any chance is even one percent higher than others, try it. Like in chess. They put you in check - you run away. And while you are running away, the enemy may make a mistake. After all, no one is immune from mistakes, even the strongest players...

Haruki Murakami

There is no shame in admitting to a person your mistake.

Catherine II

In life, everyone must make their own mistakes.

Agatha Christie

Nature never makes mistakes: if she gives birth to a fool, it means she wants it.

Henry Shaw

Admitting your mistakes is the highest courage.

Alexander Bestuzhev

Experience is the sum of mistakes made, as well as mistakes that, alas, were not possible to make.

Francoise Sagan

When you finally realize that your father was usually right, you yourself have a son growing up convinced that his father is usually wrong. If you don't learn from your mistakes, there's no point in making them.

Lawrence Peter

We do not need to step on the same rake that we already had.

Victor Chernomyrdin

I won't refuse to live my life again from beginning to end. I will only ask the rights enjoyed by the authors to correct the errors of the first in the second edition.

Benjamin Franklin

The weak are often cruel, because they stop at nothing to eliminate the consequences of their mistakes.

George Halifax

It's better to make mistakes with everyone than to be smart alone.

Marcel Achard

Those who admit mistakes too easily are rarely able to correct themselves.

Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

Our mistake often lies not in what we did, but in our regret about what we did...

Samuel Butler

A truly thinking person draws as much knowledge from his mistakes as from his successes.

John Dewey

Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. But doing nothing is a mistake.

Emil Krotky

Blessed are those who forget, for they do not remember their own mistakes.

Friedrich Nietzsche

You should not be timid for fear of making mistakes; the biggest mistake is to deprive yourself of experience.

Luc Vauvenargues

We dye our hair a different color each time so as not to make the same mistake twice.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

None of us would tolerate mistakes like ours from others.

Oscar Wilde

We easily forget our mistakes when they are known only to us.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

We don't like to be pitied for the mistakes we've made.

Luc Vauvenargues

There are people who don't make mistakes. These are those who others think for.

Henryk Jagodzinski

The biggest mistake is trying to be nicer than you are.

Walter Bagehot

It is better to make a mistake yourself than to point out the mistake to your husband.

George Halifax

Our main mistake is not that we believe that women love us, but that we believe that we love them.

Sasha Guitry

The mistake of one is a lesson for another.

All people make mistakes, but great people admit to mistakes.

Bernard Fontenelle

Bertrand Russell

There is only one innate error - this is the belief that we are born for happiness.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Even if everyone has the same opinion, everyone can be wrong.

Bertrand Russell

Never point out mistakes unless you know how to fix them.

George Shaw

How clearly people understand their mistakes is evident from the fact that, when talking about their behavior, they always know how to present it in a noble light.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

In most disputes one can notice one mistake: while the truth lies between the two views defended, each of the latter moves further away from it, the more passionately it argues.

Rene Descartes

“Do you think I’m an idiot?” - “No, but I could be wrong.”

Tristan Bernard

I know that I am fallible and often make mistakes, and I will not be angry with someone who wants to warn me in such cases and show me my mistakes.

Peter the Great

You can become perfect at making the same mistake.

Alexander Kumor

Are we not making the mistake of a child who hits the chair he bumps into when driving around a murderer?

Georg Lichtenberg

Others imagine that they know a bird with complete certainty if they have seen the egg from which it hatched.

Heinrich Heine

The teacher said: “My case seems hopeless. I have never met a person who, knowing about his mistakes, would admit his guilt to himself.”


It is not correcting a mistake, but persisting in it that brings down the honor of any person or organization of people.

Benjamin Franklin

People's mistakes in their calculations of gratitude for services rendered occur because the pride of the giver and the pride of the recipient cannot agree on the price of the benefit.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

Nothing teaches you more than realizing your mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education.

Thomas Carlyle

Fear of the possibility of error should not deter us from seeking the truth.

Claude-Adrian Helvetius

A mistake in life is an offense that did not bring pleasure.

Sidonie Colette

Woe to the people who never make mistakes: they are always wrong.

Charles Lin

If it is true that humanity learns from its mistakes, a bright future awaits us.

Lawrence Peter

The smartest thing in life is still death, for only it corrects all the mistakes and stupidities of life.

Vasily Klyuchevsky

The greatest mistake that is usually made in education is not teaching youth to think independently.

Gotthold Lessing

People rarely commit one indiscretion. The first indiscretion is always to do too much. That is why they usually do a second one - and this time they do too little...

Friedrich Nietzsche

Moving among scientists and artists, it is very easy to make a mistake in the opposite direction: often in a remarkable scientist we find a mediocre person, and in a mediocre artist we very often find an extremely remarkable person.

Friedrich Nietzsche

What a mistake it is to want to destroy something from which you cannot benefit.

Bernard Werber

It is much easier to find an error than the truth. The error lies on the surface, and you notice it immediately, but the truth is hidden in the depths, and not everyone can find it.

Johann Goethe

The most disastrous mistake that has ever been made in the world is the separation of political science from moral science.

Percy Shelley

By digging up errors, they waste time that, perhaps, would be used to discover truths.

It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.

Truth spoken without love creates error.

Gilbert Sesbron

It doesn’t take much to notice mistakes: giving something better is what befits a worthy person.

Mikhail Lomonosov

Dictate unintelligibly so that you reserve the right to decide who made a mistake.

Wieslaw Brudzinski

The incorrect use of words leads to errors in the field of thought and then in practical life.

Dmitry Pisarev

A successful person is a person who makes others pay for his own mistakes.

Gilbert Sesbron

Those who think that a people undergoing a revolution can be easily defeated are mistaken; on the contrary, he is able to defeat others.

Charles Montesquieu

A reprehensible mistake is made by those who do not take into account their capabilities and strive for conquest at any cost.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Of those who are close to you, encourage not those who praise everything you have done, but those who severely scold you for your mistakes.

Basil the Macedonian

Women are no less capable of making mistakes.

Lawrence Peter

Old bugs often cost more to fix than new ones.

Wieslaw Brudzinski

He who has stopped loving and making mistakes can bury himself alive.

Johann Goethe

A scientist is like a mimosa when he notices his own mistake, and a roaring lion when he discovers someone else's mistake.

Albert Einstein

The fact that people do not learn from the mistakes of history is the most important lesson of history.

Aldous Huxley

To avoid mistakes and disappointments, always consult your wife before starting an affair.

Edgar Howe

A fool who accidentally tells the truth is still wrong.

Our greatest mistake today is that we always confuse two opposite positions with one another and consider them to be one position. One of them is science, and the other is faith...

Mirza Akhundov

When the mind gives way to impulse or anger and blind rage insults a friend by action or word, then later neither tears nor sighs are able to correct the mistakes.

Ludovico Ariosto

Shyness may be appropriate everywhere, but not in admitting one’s mistakes.

Gotthold Lessing

Truth is a perfect mistake, just as health is a perfect disease.

A punctual person makes all his mistakes exactly on time.

Lawrence Peter

Getting angry means taking out the mistakes of another on yourself.

Alexander Pope

No mistake costs us as little as prophecy.

Oscar Wilde

Tolerance is when you forgive other people's mistakes; tact - when they are not noticed.

Arthur Schnitzler

A great man is judged only by his main deeds, and not by his mistakes.

When you write from dictation, your individuality can only be shown through mistakes.

Wieslaw Brudzinski

You can blame the mistakes of a great man, but you shouldn’t blame the man himself because of them.

Georg Lichtenberg

Great people make mistakes too, and some of them so often that you are almost tempted to consider them insignificant people.

Georg Lichtenberg

The present is a consequence of the past, and therefore constantly turn your gaze to your backside, which will save you from significant mistakes.

Kozma Prutkov

It is a big mistake to think that a sense of duty and compulsion can help one find joy in looking and searching.

Albert Einstein

In order for one person to discover a fruitful truth, it is necessary for a hundred people to burn their lives to ashes in unsuccessful searches and sad mistakes.

Dmitry Pisarev

Almost all of our mistakes are essentially of a linguistic nature. We create difficulties for ourselves by inaccurately describing the facts. So, for example, we call different things the same and, conversely, we give different definitions to the same thing.

Aldous Huxley

Humans tend to make mistakes. Only those who admire us are not mistaken.

Oliver Hassenkamp

In politics, as in grammar, the mistake that everyone makes is proclaimed the rule.

Andre Malraux

Let people make any mistakes to their detriment, just to avoid the worst misfortune - submission to someone else's will.

Luc Vauvenargues

People are unaware of mistakes they don't make.

Samuel Johnson

In the rapture of victory, mistakes are forgotten and extremes arise.

Gilbert Chesterton

If two mistakes do not bring results, try the third.

Lawrence Peter

The greatest mistake in parenting is excessive haste.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Experience allows us to recognize a mistake every time we repeat it.

Franklin Jones

What a pity that we do not live long enough to benefit from the lessons of our mistakes.

Jean La Bruyère

Many would rather consider it a virtue to repent of mistakes than to try to avoid them.

Georg Lichtenberg

One of our most disastrous mistakes is to spoil a good deed by poorly implementing it.

William Penn

“Would you give your life for your beliefs?” - "Of course no. After all, I could be wrong.”

Bertrand Russell

Who would deny that all people are desperate lovers of truth, because they so openly and sincerely repent of their mistakes, and not a day goes by that they do not contradict themselves.

Jonathan Swift

I respect all kinds of deviations from common sense: the more ridiculous the mistakes a person makes in your presence, the more likely it is that he will not betray or outwit you.

Charles Lamb

There are few mistakes less excusable than the means to which we resort to conceal them.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

Philosophy studies the erroneous views of people, and history studies their erroneous actions.

Philip Guedalla

Each person has his own special way of making mistakes, especially since mistakes often lie in misunderstood accuracy.

Georg Lichtenberg

When we become clear enough to correct our own mistake, we begin to see the danger involved.

George Halifax

Perhaps two errors fighting each other are more fruitful than one truth reigning supreme.

Jean Rostand

People are much less mistaken when they admit their ignorance than when they imagine themselves to know everything that they really do not know.

Joseph Renan

The human race is a mistake. Without him, the universe would be infinitely more beautiful.

Bertrand Russell

The mistakes of young people are an inexhaustible source of experience for those who are older.

Wieslaw Brudzinski

The husband, like the government, should never admit to mistakes.

Life is so long that you can make a lot of mistakes. And so short that it would correct them.

A strong person tries to correct his mistakes, while a weak person tries to justify them.

Yes. I make a lot of mistakes. Life, unfortunately, is without instructions.

A mistake is a step towards perfection.

And let this be my biggest mistake in life, but I want it!

To change your life, you don’t have to go somewhere, but it’s important to get moving.

Always honestly admit your mistakes, this will dull the vigilance of your superiors and allow you to make new ones.

Some mistakes in life are typos, which are subsequently imprinted in the memory forever.

You shouldn’t regret mistakes that you want to repeat more than once.

We often write down what life dictates to us with errors.

And my mother always said that it’s not scary to make mistakes, it’s scary to sit on your ass all your life.

Bad... good. But the line is thin, and the circumstances are different, and life is long.

Sometimes mistakes are useful, they are like vaccinations against further mistakes. We get “vaccinations” so as not to “get sick.”

There are mistakes for which you are ashamed even in front of yourself.

... you can’t make two mistakes in life: in choosing a profession and in choosing a life partner...

Life is a task that no one has yet SOLVED WITHOUT ERROR.

Sometimes it is better to remove than to add.

The older a person is, the more things in his life that cannot be corrected.

Experience is what everyone calls their mistakes.

Life is short. It is barely enough to make enough mistakes, and repeating them is an unacceptable luxury!

Mistakes happen in life. Some even have names...

It’s a pity that a person is not given an eraser at birth to erase mistakes and unnecessary things in his life.

It doesn't matter when you make a mistake in life. The trouble is when a mistake becomes life!

Making mistakes on the path of life, in spite of all adversity, I believe in the best that awaits me ahead)

The most terrible glitches are not glitches of technology, these are glitches of people!

Mistakes are the beginning of experience, and experience is the beginning of wisdom.

Most people plan their vacation more carefully than they plan their entire lives.

One of our most disastrous mistakes is to spoil a good deed by poorly implementing it.

If you can’t cope with a mistake, create conditions under which it becomes the only correct solution.

You cannot change your life without understanding the reason for the mistakes you made.

Life experience can be gained not only through your bumps and concussions. Look around, there are a lot of people around who also stumble and fall.

There is no need to skimp on mistakes. There are enough mistakes for our age and there will be more for our descendants.

In life, I am a very diligent girl: I complete my homework, learn my lessons, and I DON’T REPEAT ANY MORE mistakes!

A mistake is a typo in a book called life, but it can well be imprinted on your soul.

Statuses about mistakes in life

People suffer because of nonsense, trifles, crossing out their fate with a single tiny mistake, invisible even under a microscope. I am happy that I live, I can breathe, have fun, smile, sometimes cry, observing the beauty of the universe and its infinity.

The incentives for progress, paradoxically, are still laziness, resentment and mistakes.

Tomorrow will come, then today's mistakes and mistakes will be corrected soon.

Who he was - time will judge. Worst or best is not clear. If learning comes from mistakes in life, then my successful mistake is him. Failure with a loud crash - bright, but beloved.

Best status:
Errors are equated to punctuation marks, so that meaning appears not only in the written lines, but in fate.

Life consists of privileges, which are delusions, maximalism, mistakes in life, misfortunes and many other vices. There are no privileges in the afterlife.

We meet, we meet, we fall in love, we make mistakes. Life is elementary when you are happy just because your loved one is holding your hand.

I am weak in spirit and nerves - I run away from scandals, cold, reproaches, hide in my shell and wait out the critical period alone, so as not to hear reproaches of incompetence and uncleanliness.

People often make mistakes in life, They’ve only been building for so long, they break all plans, They break children’s dreams into pieces, they become completely confused, and then everyone who was around turns away, hoping that it’s a dream, you’re trying to wake up, with pain in your heart from mistakes it’s difficult live, and only your mother can forgive you everything...

don't cry, baby... well, we broke up, so what? people live together for 35 years and then go their separate ways. what is 3 years? Nothing. analyze your own mistakes and try to build your life from scratch.

Why do parents often interfere in our lives? After all, we also have the right to make mistakes... and we learn from our own... I want them to learn to trust us... -

Only a person who moves forward despite difficulties and sometimes making mistakes will find the right light in life.

We strive for ideals all our lives, but only after reaching the highest point of fulfillment of our desires do we understand that from the very beginning we needed very little to be happy. It’s sad to think that a person will never understand this without making a mistake...

Sorry, I was wrong. -I know. in my life I made a mistake only once, when I met your eyes. ©

The biggest mistake we make in our lives is believing what other people say about us.

If I have a chance to meet you again in my life, I swear that I will not repeat my previous mistake... I WILL NOT LET GO OF YOU!!!

I realized that nothing will ultimately save life on earth except faith in life itself, in its power of healing, in its ability to survive our mistakes and welcome us when we learn to correct our mistakes. MJ

Just one mistake in your life can make your whole life a mistake...

Dear Santa Claus, I want an unknown number to call me this New Year, I made a mistake... but I want to make such a mistake that it will last my whole life!!!

Even if it will be my worst mistake in life... but it will be MINE!!!

We have the right to make mistakes. We wait for affection when we feel bad or when we make a mistake in choosing the path. We must be able to think about ourselves. Life is unpredictable. It requires us to be independent. Our breath is taken away, we are filled with fears, we wander in the dark...

remember dear... you will never find someone as stupid as me!!! who will ask you everything!!! I’m an angel... and you’re the biggest mistake in my life... I’ve screwed with you more than once... but that won’t happen anymore... I don’t love you... I’M FREE!!!=))

Play with me again, friend, life, friend, pain. I made a mistake at the hour when I divided my life by zero.

I am watching a film called “My Life”. I looked it over several times, but still didn’t find the mistake in the script that caused us to break up.

We had the following dreams: family, children, a happy life without quarrels and insults! But it all ended in one moment, because of your stupid mistake! Why was all this???

I read the status - “I ask you girls.. Never listen to the advice of your friends regarding your personal life... Hear. ?? Never.. !!" baby, don’t you think you have your own head on your shoulders? and blaming your mistakes on your friend is at least not nice!!!

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, stumble and fall; often the greatest rewards come from the things that scare us the most. Maybe you will achieve everything you want, and maybe even more than you imagined. Who knows where life will take you, the path is long, and in the end the journey itself is the goal.

The worst mistake you can make in life is to be constantly afraid of making a mistake...

Errors are the punctuation marks of life, without which, like in the text, there will be no meaning.

No one will help me... Will not help me correct all the mistakes that I have made in my life...

Such mistakes are not forgotten. They become the most significant and “nostalgic” in our lives. People are mistakes

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be in constant fear of making a mistake.

The sheet is life, we do things with a pencil, we try to erase mistakes with a soft eraser, but we always need to check the quality of the eraser so as not to make dirt on the sheet.. (c)

Errors are the punctuation marks of life, without which, like in the text, there will be no meaning.

life is about working on mistakes, but there are mistakes that cannot be corrected; they firmly settle in the soul of the person you hurt... !!!

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be in constant fear of making a mistake. (E. Green)

life is a good teacher... but it takes a toll on your mistakes...

And she learned to remain silent about what was in her soul, because no one cared about it. Maybe, of course, this is the biggest mistake in her life. But she learned. (

You can do more, just believe in yourself. Believe in your strength, don’t let yourself be consumed by negativity. You are live on air, even though there were mistakes.

The biggest mistake is to make the life of another person the meaning of your life. (With)

Most of our life is spent on mistakes and bad deeds; a significant part is spent in inaction, in the fact that we do the wrong thing...

You’ve been dating a guy for a long time, everything seems to be fine... and then a dream guy appears in your life... and you don’t know what to do (((you’re afraid to make a choice (and I did and I was wrong (now I’m alone...

Starting life from scratch, use a simple pencil and an eraser... You know, so that, like in school, if something happens, you can correct mistakes without much effort.

I want to turn back time, live it again... And do everything. what she did without changing anything, but repeating old mistakes. Only after them did I learn to live... But my main mistake was YOU: first you gave me life with your love, and then again took it away from me, teasing me like a little child!

life is like a house of cards...the slightest mistake...and everything is destroyed...

The smartest thing in life is still death, for only it corrects all the mistakes and stupidities of life (p.) V. O. Klyuchevsky

all the most important mistakes in life begin with the words: it will be better this way...))

It would probably be funny if it weren't so sad. The past is gone, but without you now it’s somehow empty. Give me a look and a loving smile. I love. Without you my life is a mistake.

– The biggest mistake in the life of a fifth-year student is losing his grade book! “And the biggest mistake in the life of a freshman is to approach a fifth-year student and ask: “Show me your record book?”

If you found a person and made a mistake about him... don’t be upset... and don’t be afraid to be disappointed again... that’s life... you will meet your person, but it just shouldn’t happen now..

The best school is life, the best teacher is a mistake, the best education is experience!

Boy, hang out 😉 When it seemed to me that I needed you, I was depressed) I was mistaken in you, as well as in dozens of others who are already beyond the boundaries of my life) You are there)

A mistake in the first minute leaves a mark for life...

It’s so nice to know that even if you are a mistake in someone’s life, you are still the best.

Mistakes happen in life. Some even have names.

People often make mistakes in life, The world that took a long time to build is broken in a second. They break children's dreams into fragments, and become completely confused. And when everyone who was nearby turns away, you hope that this is a dream, trying to wake up. It’s hard to live with pain in your heart from mistakes, and only your mother can forgive you everything...

And yet you were wrong when you said that it would hurt me when he disappeared from my life, I just miss him...

It would be a mistake to believe that this day is a mistake. This is just the result of numerous mistakes. I look at the past again, as if I am looking for a marriage to eliminate it. But this is life, damn it, not a watch, not a computer, not a cell phone that can be repaired. It's my fucking life.

A mistake in life is an offense that did not bring pleasure.

He was the worst person in my life. Or the best, I don't know yet. If it is true that you have to learn from your mistakes, then he is my best mistake. He is my brightest and most favorite failure.

This is MY life and MY mistakes... I’ll figure it out myself... without you!

This is how it happens, you made a mistake once, time passes, and you realize that if it weren’t for the mistake that you considered a trifle, your life would be completely different...

Mistakes will always be a part of our lives, so why waste time kicking yourself for the sins of the past.

it hurts when your boyfriend ever left you, it hurts when your mother cries... a mother's tears are the biggest mistake in our life... friends, don't make your mothers hurt with tears because of you...

And how I would like to return everything back, to correct those mistakes that will remain in my life - forever!

she learned to remain silent about what was in her soul, because no one cared. maybe, of course, this is the biggest mistake in her life. but she learned.

Life is a good teacher, but it takes you too much for your mistakes..

If you feel that you haven’t made a single mistake in life, it means that you haven’t tried anything new in your life.

Maybe, of course, this is the biggest mistake of my life. But I learned...

Keep in mind: no matter what you do, mistakes will always be a part of your life. So don't waste time kicking and cursing yourself for the sins of the past.

Errors are the punctuation marks of life, without which, like in the text, there will be no meaning.

We all make mistakes in life..(c)

If the bottom button of a shirt is not buttoned correctly, then all the others will be buttoned incorrectly. There are many mistakes in life that are not mistakes in themselves, but the consequences of the first button fastened incorrectly.

And every day, scrolling through the past day before going to bed and correcting all the mistakes, makes your life ideal...

Life is a good teacher... but it takes away your mistakes...

We all make 2 mistakes in life: burying living relationships and holding on to dead ones.

And she learned to remain silent about what was in her soul, because no one cared about it. Maybe, of course, this is the biggest mistake in her life. But she learned. (With)

Getting married is a very serious step! When we quarrel with our parents, we don’t think that we need to look for new ones! So the husband should become a dear little man! One for life! The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing!

Errors are the punctuation marks of life, without which, like in the text, there will be no meaning.

A true friend who wishes you well will definitely point out your mistakes, but a person who wishes evil will decorate everything with flattery and lull your mind... This is the law of life (c)

Or maybe, in fact, no one is putting a spoke in our wheels? maybe we ourselves are hindering our happiness by making stupid mistakes and regretting those we don’t need at all, passing by those who can bring joy to our lives..

Just one mistake in your life can make your whole life a mistake.

The one who doesn’t try doesn’t make mistakes, the one who doesn’t make mistakes doesn’t learn, because it’s from mistakes that one learns. Just don’t be afraid to make mistakes, mistakes are a big part of human life, except those that cost one’s life...

all serious mistakes in life begin with the phrase “it will be better this way”

All the mistakes that were made After life will be forgiven And friends that were abandoned Quietly they will say that everything in the past will be forgiven, people, you know except the tears that our mothers shed at night in their children's empty beds..

I fell in love like a first grader. There are so many guys around. But for me he is the only one. His eyes. So kind. Funny. His smile is the most dazzling in the world. But it’s a pity that now he’s not smiling at me and doesn’t see my suffering. Why can’t I turn back time and bring back those best days of my life? And correct the mistakes I made?

I will not refuse to live my life from beginning to end. I will only ask for the right that the authors enjoy – to correct the errors of the first in the second edition.

Those who are characterized by humanity make mistakes, and the ability to forgive is a gift from God... I am deprived of gifts, but I am definitely humane...

What is the difference between an ordinary woman and a wise woman? - The way they make mistakes... The first one tends to make mistakes thoughtlessly, and the second one thinks for a long time before doing it.

Let it be a mistake, but only your decision, made of your own free will, and not under pressure...

People tend to turn a blind eye to their own mistakes, but when you stumble, you can hardly count on understanding.

Best status:
A sense of tact is not a written rule not to point out to people their mistakes and not to try to correct them.

Love accompanies a feeling of happiness, and if it is not there, then this is not the feeling that is usually called love...

Sprinkle salt on your wounds to remember how it hurts...

Some mistakes can be called typos because they are not erased from the pages of the book of life...

Unable to accept your own mistake? Treat it as the only way out of the current situation.

All passions generally make us make mistakes, but the funniest ones are made by love.

Yes. I make a lot of mistakes. Life, unfortunately, is without instructions.

Every mistake is a LESSON, not a problem!

Loving people will stay together not because they have forgotten their mistakes, but because they were able to forgive them.

... you can’t make two mistakes in life: in choosing a profession and in choosing a life partner...

Mistakes are the bridge that helps us move from inexperience to wisdom.

You need to be able to forgive people for their mistakes, because one day you will make mistakes yourself.

Condemning a mistake is another mistake.

The main thing is to understand in time which people you are mistaken about.

The older a person is, the more things in his life that cannot be corrected.

All the biggest mistakes are made with the words “It will be better this way”

He was the worst person in my life. Or the best, I don't know yet. If it is true that you have to learn from your mistakes, then he is my best mistake. He is my brightest and most favorite failure.

A person who does not draw conclusions from his previous mistakes is doomed to experience them again.

How often do we choose the wrong things, the wrong things, the wrong people...

We all make mistakes. Only some more, and others all the time.

Mistakes happen in life. Some even have names...

A strong person tries to correct his mistakes, while a weak person tries to justify them.

We often write down what life dictates to us with errors.

People make the same mistakes, but always expect a different result...

Most people plan their vacation more carefully than they plan their entire lives.

There are mistakes for which you are ashamed even in front of yourself.

My life. My choice. My mistakes. My lessons. None of your business.

The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. Don't be afraid to make mistakes - don't be afraid to repeat mistakes.

My only mistake: for three quarters of my life I thought that everything was still ahead.

There are no problems in which we would not have invaluable experience...

You shouldn’t regret mistakes that you want to repeat more than once.

It’s a pity that a person is not given an eraser at birth to erase mistakes and unnecessary things in his life.

There is only one innate error - this is the belief that we are born for happiness.

Life is short. It is barely enough to make enough mistakes, and repeating them is an unacceptable luxury!

You need to be able to forgive people for their mistakes, because one day you will make mistakes yourself!

Life is a moment during which you make so many mistakes that there is simply not enough eternity after death in heaven or hell to analyze them...

Bad... good. But the line is thin, and the circumstances are different, and life is long.

Truth is not born from truth. Truth is born from mistakes.

Divorce of spouses is not a tragedy, but a correction of a mistake.

There are no mistakes, only lessons...

Making mistakes on the path of life, in spite of all adversity, I believe in the best that awaits me ahead)

In life, I am a very diligent girl: I complete my homework, learn my lessons, and I DON’T REPEAT ANY MORE mistakes!

“The worst mistake a person can make is to be afraid of making a mistake all the time.”

Don’t reproach yourself too much for the mistakes you’ve made, because there will be a new day that will give you a chance to live your life better than yesterday.

In love and in weather forecasts there are no lies, only mistakes.

I got drunk, forgot myself, became sober and still remembered everything.

Mistakes grow like mushrooms after rain when they are constantly forgiven.

To change your life, you don’t have to go somewhere, but it’s important to get moving.

When stealing other people's statuses, don't at least steal other people's grammatical errors!

A mistake is a typo in a book called life, but it can well be imprinted on your soul.

If they learn from your mistakes, it means someone still needs you.

The biggest mistakes in life begin with the words: “It will be better this way...”

Life is a task that no one has yet SOLVED WITHOUT ERROR.

When entering the same lake twice, do not forget about... what made you leave there the first time...

It's too late to admit a mistake when the whole ship is under water.

You and I have only one thing in common: you love me, and I love myself!

Stop repeating old mistakes, time to make new ones.

You can't make the same mistake twice. The second time it is no longer a mistake. It's a choice.

Sometimes it is better to remove than to add.

And my mother always said that it’s not scary to make mistakes, it’s scary to sit on your ass all your life.

If our offense has not yet been condemned, it is too late to make excuses, and early to blame others.

The biggest mistake people make is when they imagine what they want as reality.

Always honestly admit your mistakes, this will dull the vigilance of your superiors and allow you to make new ones.

Life experience can be gained not only through your bumps and concussions. Look around, there are a lot of people around who also stumble and fall.

We learn from mistakes, but our souls are damaged. And then over the years, we heal with our souls.

Never give up playing for fear of making a mistake.

It’s annoying when you make a mistake about a person, but it’s even more annoying when you were warned in advance.

You cannot change your life without understanding the reason for the mistakes you made.

Only our own mistakes, which changed our lives and brought pain, only they make us change our views and pave a new path...

Everyone makes mistakes. Even pencils have erasers.

A psychologist is someone who helps a person who is stepping on the same rake to change the rake.

Women guess everything, and if they make a mistake, it’s on purpose.

They may forgive you for your stupidity, but they will not forgive you for your intelligence. Your merits will be quickly forgotten, but your mistakes will never be forgotten.

We collect our mistakes in a pile and call them... DESTINY!

Fate makes no mistakes...

I don’t feel sorry for mistakes and losses... I feel sorry for the short time on earth... If I had known before what I know now, I would now live... differently...

Sometimes mistakes are useful, they are like vaccinations against further mistakes. We get “vaccinations” so as not to “get sick.”

If you have the opportunity to correct the consequences of your mistake, then you were not mistaken...

There is no need to skimp on mistakes. There are enough mistakes for our age and there will be more for our descendants.

Fire is hot, painful and dangerous! And knowing this, each of us has been burned at least once.

One of our most disastrous mistakes is to spoil a good deed by poorly implementing it.

Women admit mistakes more easily than men, so they seem to make mistakes more often.

If children do not repeat your mistakes, then they are not your children.

Don't neglect your enemies: they are the first to notice your mistakes.

Mistakes are the beginning of experience, and experience is the beginning of wisdom.

They make mistakes when they choose the color of the car, they pass the exam... but in love - they love it or they don’t!

For some reason, when you step on the same rake for the fifth time, it no longer hurts - but funny...

The first mistake in love begins with the second attempt.

The ability to wait is the most difficult thing, but how does it help to avoid unnecessary mistakes...

People make a lot of mistakes when they are in love. But they make even more mistakes when they are no longer loved...

Experience is what everyone calls their mistakes.

You are not mistaken in considering a person good. It is he who makes the mistake of doing wrong.

Quickly legalized love leads to divorce.

Where there is a lot of love, there are many mistakes. Where there is no love, everything is a mistake.

It doesn't matter when you make a mistake in life. The trouble is when a mistake becomes life!

We always have a second to ruin everything, and there is not enough eternity to fix it.

Making mistakes is useful, because in the process of correcting mistakes, knowledge is consolidated and expanded.

It’s better to realize in time that you were wrong. Rather than spend your entire life building a sand castle.

“All smart women make the same mistake - they don’t allow men to educate them.”

I stopped flying - I'm afraid of crashing... I stopped looking - I'm afraid of making a mistake...

It's just crazy to do the same thing over and over again and still expect different results.