home · Investments · What are stars? Celebrities of Great Britain presentation for a lesson on the topic Ancient mythologists considered the constellation ascended to heaven as an attribute of Themis, Demeter or Nemesis

What are stars? Celebrities of Great Britain presentation for a lesson on the topic Ancient mythologists considered the constellation ascended to heaven as an attribute of Themis, Demeter or Nemesis

This presentation is intended for teachers of speech therapy groups on the topic "Acquaintance with space." The concept of the Milky Way, stars and constellations is given, how to find the North Star, what the sun is and its distinctive features from all stars, and also poems about stars and constellations are given.



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Constellations and stars Rozhkova Lidiya Nikolaevna as a teacher at GBDOU No. 58, St. Petersburg

On a cloudless, dark night you can see a light, silvery stripe in the sky - this is the Milky Way. All the stars and constellations are here. They form a system called the Galaxy. Our solar system is also located in the Milky Way. Don't forget to look into the sky to see the Milky Way. But we won’t get anywhere along this path. There are simply too many stars there, As if the road of the Firmament stretches across, The most beautiful roads of all!

Stars are burning luminous celestial bodies. Stars vary in temperature, size and brightness.

Constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor Among the stars in the sky Bears roam at night. The Big Dipper has a ladle in its paws; Take a closer look on a dark night - You will see your daughter nearby. What is this pair of starry bears doing over the roof?

Ursa Major is a large constellation in the sky. The seven bright stars of Ursa Major form a shape resembling a ladle. Each star of this bucket has a name.

Ursa Minor The constellation Ursa Minor is also called the Little Dipper. This dipper is much smaller than the dipper of the Big Dipper, and is less visible from Earth. The brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor is Polaris. She is the last one in the handle of the Small Bucket.

Polaris is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor. It is located near the North Pole and does not change its position. The star always points north. polar Star

How to find the North Star? To find it, you must first find the constellation Ursa Major. Then mentally draw a line upward through the two stars of the “wall” of the Bucket, opposite the “handle”. If we plot on this line the Five distances between the stars of the “wall” of the bucket, then we will find the North Star.

Cape Polar Star We won’t get lost with you - After all, it’s like a beacon for us. Traveler, sailor And cheerful tourists will find their way quickly with her. Lost - no food, quickly look for that star. In the darkest thicket, even the North will show us!

Sun A typical star that seems huge to us. but this is because it is located closer to the Earth than other large stars. The Sun is the only star that can be seen during the day. But you can't look directly at the sun. The sun gives us light and warmth, this is life. All the planets in the solar system move around the sun.

Sun Well, well, wow! Our Sun is just a star. The red-hot red ball will immediately turn into steam, If you come close, And you won’t find any traces here. But we can’t live without the Sun, it gives life, friends. It shines and warms, and can be very affectionate. He sits as if on a throne, wearing his golden crown!

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Essay on astronomy on the topic
“What are stars” Completed by:
Student of grade 11B
Ikonnikova Ekaterina
Sharova Svetlana Vladimirovna

1. IntroductionFor centuries, the only source of information about the stars and the Universe for astronomers was visible light. Observing with the naked eye or using telescopes, they used only a very small range of waves from the entire variety of electromagnetic radiation emitted by celestial bodies. Astronomy has been transformed since the middle of this century, when the progress of physics and technology provided it with new instruments and tools that allow it to conduct observations in the widest range of waves - from meter-long radio waves to gamma rays, where wavelengths are billionths of a millimeter. This caused an increasing flow of astronomical data. In fact, all the major discoveries of recent years are the result of the modern development of the newest fields of astronomy, which has now become all-wave. Since the early 1930s, as soon as theoretical ideas about neutron stars arose, it was expected that they should manifest themselves as cosmic sources of X-ray radiation. These expectations were realized 40 years later. when bursters were discovered and it was possible to prove that their radiation is generated on the surface of hot neutron stars. But the first discovered neutron stars were not bursters, but pulsars, which revealed themselves - quite unexpectedly - as sources of short pulses of radio emission, following each other with an amazingly strict periodicity.

2. Discovery In the summer of 1967, a new radio telescope was put into operation at the University of Cambridge (England), specially built by E. Hewish and his colleagues for one observational task - studying the scintillations of cosmic radio sources. The new radio telescope made it possible to observe large areas of the sky.
The first clearly visible series of periodic pulses were noticed on November 28, 1967 by a graduate student in a Cambridge group. The pulses followed one after another with a clearly maintained period of 1.34 s. There was an assumption about an extraterrestrial civilization - this turned out to be impossible. It became obvious that the sources of radiation were natural celestial bodies.
The first publication of the Cambridge group appeared in February 1968, and it already mentioned neutron stars as likely candidates for the role of sources of pulsating radiation.
There are stars, they are called Cepheids, with strictly periodic variations in brightness. But before pulsars, stars with such a short period as the first “Cambridge” pulsar had never been encountered.

3. Types of starsStars are newborn, young, middle-aged and old. New stars are constantly being formed, and old ones are constantly dying.
The youngest are variable stars; their luminosity changes because they have not yet reached a stationary mode of existence. When nuclear fusion begins, the protostar turns into a normal star.

a) Normal stars

All stars are basically like our Sun: huge balls of very hot, glowing gas. The difference is the color. Eat
the stars are reddish or bluish, not yellow.
In addition, stars differ in both brightness and brilliance. Why do stars vary so much in their brightness? It turns out that everything depends on the mass of the star.
The amount of matter contained in a particular star determines its color and brightness, as well as how the brightness changes over time.

b) Giants and dwarfs

The most massive stars are also the hottest and the brightest. They appear white or bluish. In contrast, stars with low mass are always dim and their color is reddish.

However, among the very bright stars in our sky there are red and orange ones.
Stars become giants and dwarfs at different stages of their lives, and a giant can eventually turn into a dwarf when it reaches “old age.” c) Life cycle of a star

An ordinary star, such as the Sun, releases energy by converting hydrogen into helium in a nuclear furnace located at its very core.
After a star uses up its hydrogen, major changes occur within the star. Hydrogen begins to burn out. As a result, the size of the star itself increases sharply.
Stars of more modest size, including the Sun, on the contrary, shrink at the end of their lives, turning into white dwarfs. After which they simply fade away.

d) Star clusters

Apparently, almost all stars are born in groups, rather than individually. Star clusters are interesting not only for scientific study, they
exceptionally beautiful as photographic subjects. There are two types of star clusters: open and globular. In an open cluster, every star is visible: globular clusters are like a sphere.

e) Open star clusters The most famous open star cluster is the Pleiades or the Seven Sisters, in the constellation Taurus. The total number of stars in this cluster is somewhere between 300 and 500, and they are all located in an area 30 light-years across and 400 light-years away. The Pleiades is a typical open star cluster.
Among the discovered star clusters, there are many more young ones than old ones. In older clusters, the stars gradually move away from each other.
Some star groups are so weakly held together that they are called stellar associations rather than clusters.
The clouds in which stars form are concentrated in the disk of our Galaxy.

f) Globular star clusters
In contrast to open clusters, globular clusters are spheres. densely filled with stars.
In the densely packed centers of these clusters, the stars are so close to each other that mutual gravity binds them together, forming compact binary stars.
Globular clusters don't move apart because there are stars in them
they sit very closely. Globular star clusters are observed not only around our Galaxy, but also around other galaxies of any kind.

g) Pulsating variable stars Some of the most regular variable stars pulsate, contracting and expanding again. The most famous type of such stars are Cepheids. These are supergiant stars. During the process of Cepheid pulsation, both its area and temperature change, which causes a general change in its brightness.

h) Flare stars

Magnetic phenomena on the Sun cause sunspots and solar flares. For some stars, such flares reach enormous proportions. These bursts of light cannot be predicted in advance and last only a few minutes.

i) Double stars

About half of all the stars in our Galaxy belong to binary systems, so double stars are a very common phenomenon.
Binary stars are held together by mutual gravity. Both stars of the binary system rotate in elliptical orbits around a certain point. Binary stars that can be seen separately are called visible binaries.

j) Discovery of double stars Most often, double stars are identified either by the unusual movement of the brighter of the two, or by their combined spectrum. If any star makes regular fluctuations in the sky, this means that it has an invisible partner. Then they say that it is an astrometric double star. If one star is much brighter than the other, its light will dominate. Study of double stars
this is the only direct way to calculate stellar masses.

l) Close double stars

In a system of closely spaced double stars, mutual gravitational forces tend to stretch each of them, giving it the shape of a pear. If gravity is strong enough, a critical moment comes when matter begins to flow away from one star and fall onto another. The material from both stars mixes and merges into a ball around the two stellar cores.
One star expands so much that it fills its cavity
, this means the outer layers of a star are inflated to the point where its material begins to be captured by another star, subject to its gravity. This second star is a white dwarf.

m) Neutron stars
The density of neutron stars exceeds even that of white dwarfs. In addition to their unheard-of enormous density, neutron stars have two more special properties - rapid rotation and a strong magnetic field.

m) Pulsars
The first pulsars were discovered in 1968. Some pulsars emit more than just radio waves. but also light, X-rays and gamma rays.o) X-ray double stars

At least 100 powerful sources of X-ray radiation have been found in the Galaxy. According to astronomers, the X-ray emission could be caused by matter falling onto the surface of a small neutron star.

n) Supernovae

A catastrophic explosion that ends the life of a massive star is a truly spectacular event. The remains of the exploding star fly away at speeds of up to 20,000 km per second.
Such enormous stellar explosions are called supernovae. Supernovae are a fairly rare phenomenon.

p) Supernova – death of a star

Massive stars end their lives in supernova explosions. But this is not the only way to launch such explosions. Only about a quarter of all supernovae occur this way.

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How other supernovae operate, it is not yet entirely clear that they begin as white dwarfs in binary systems. A supernova explosion follows and the entire star is seemingly destroyed forever. The supernova maintains its maximum brightness for only about a month, and then continuously fades away. Supernova remnants are some of the strongest sources of radio waves in our sky.c) The Crab Nebula

One of the most famous supernova remnants, the Crab Nebula, this nebula is a supernova remnant that was observed and described in 1054 by Chinese astronomers. It has the shape of an oval with uneven edges. Threads of glowing gas resemble a net thrown over a hole. When astronomers realized that pulsars are the neutrons of supernovae, it became clear to them that they needed to look for pulsars in remnants like the Crab Nebula.

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4. Qualitative characteristics of the star) Luminosity

Stars vary greatly in their luminosity. There are white and blue supergiant stars. But most stars are “dwarfs”, whose luminosity is much less than the Sun.

b) Temperature

Temperature determines the color of a star and its spectrum. Very hot stars are white or bluish in color.

c) Spectrum of stars

Studying the spectra of stars provides exceptionally rich information.
Another characteristic feature of stellar spectra is the presence of a huge number of absorption lines belonging to various elements. Fine analysis of these lines provided particularly valuable information about the nature of the outer layers of stars.

d) Chemical composition of stars

The chemical composition of the outer layers of stars is characterized by a complete predominance of hydrogen. Helium is in second place, and the abundance of other elements is quite small.

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e) Radius of stars The energy emitted by an element of the surface of a star of unit area in units of time is determined by the Stefan-Bolyshan law. The surface of the star is 4 R2. Hence the luminosity is: Thus, if the temperature and luminosity of a star are known, then we can calculate its radius.

e) Mass of stars

In essence, astronomy did not have and does not currently have a method for direct and independent determination of mass. And this is a rather serious shortcoming of our science about the Universe.

5. The Birth of Stars

Modern astronomy has a large number of arguments in favor of the assertion that stars are formed by the condensation of clouds of gas and dust in the interstellar medium. The process of star formation from this environment continues to this day.
According to radio astronomical observations, interstellar gas is concentrated predominantly in the spiral arms of galaxies. Central to the problem of the evolution of stars is the question of the sources of their energy.

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Advances in nuclear physics have made it possible to solve the problem of sources of stellar energy. Such a source is thermonuclear fusion reactions occurring in the interior of stars at the very high temperature prevailing there.6. Evolution of stars

It takes relatively little time for protostars to go through the earliest stages of their evolution.
In 5966, quite unexpectedly, it became possible to observe protostars in the early stages of their evolution. Bright, extremely compact sources were discovered. It has been hypothesized that these "appropriate" names are "mysterium".
The sources of the “mysterium” are gigantic, natural cosmic masers. It is in masers (and on
optical and infrared frequencies - in lasers) enormous brightness is achieved in the line
Moreover, its spectral width is small. Radiation amplification is possible when the medium in which it propagates
radiation, “activated” in some way. This means that some
"external" energy source (so-called "pumping") makes the concentration of atoms
or molecules at the initial level are abnormally high. Without constantly
an active "pump" or laser is not possible. Most likely, the “pumping” is done by fairly powerful infrared radiation.

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Once on the main sequence and having stopped burning, the star radiates for a long time, practically without changing its position on the “spectrum-luminosity” diagram. Its radiation is supported by thermonuclear reactions.
The time a star stays on the main sequence is determined by its initial mass.
“Burnout” of hydrogen occurs only in the central regions of the star.
What will happen to a star when all the hydrogen in its core “burns out”. The star's core will begin to contract, and its temperature will rise. A very dense hot region consisting of helium is formed. The star, as it were, “swells” and begins to “depart” from the main sequence, moving into the region of red giants. Further, it turns out that giant stars with a lower content of heavy elements will have a higher luminosity for the same size.

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British Celebrities Queen of Great Britain

Elizabeth II



Queen Elizabeth ascended to the throne on February 6, 1952, following the death of her father, George the Sixth. The coronation took place on June 2, 1953 in Westminster Abbey. She was only 25 years old when she became queen




The title of Her Royal Majesty in the United Kingdom is: "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and her other Domains and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith."

Queen Elizabeth 2 of England is a beautiful and charming woman. Now, at her advanced age, she looks great.

The Monarch's Birthday in Great Britain For many years now, her birthday has been celebrated throughout the United Kingdom twice a year: not only on April 21, but also on the 3rd Saturday in June.

On the second Saturday of June, the birthday of the English monarch is officially celebrated. In honor of this solemn event, national flags are flown on all government buildings. On this day, a ceremonial parade takes place at the residence of the British kings in Whitehall. The main content of the ceremony is the removal of the banner or, as it is also called, the ceremonial raising of the guards with the removal of the banner. The banner of the Guards Regiment, which performs guard duty at Buckingham Palace, is brought out to meet the monarch.

The regiment's banner is a dark red panel with an image of a crown and yellow ribbons sewn onto it indicating the battles and battles in which the regiment's military personnel took part.

The ceremony dates back to the 18th century, when banners were carried in front of the soldiers of the regiment. Since 1748, it has taken place on the official birthday of the monarch, and the troops passing by parade salute the Queen as she greets them.

London's most colorful ceremonial event, the Queen's Birthday Parade, is called TROOPING THE COLOR.

This is a bright and colorful sight

Specially trained units of the Royal Horse Guards, in the presence of members of the royal family, invited guests and crowds of curious people, march solemnly with banners along the Horse Guards parade ground.

Then the entire parade, led by the royal carriage, along the Mall, decorated in honor of the parade, heads to Buckingham Palace, where the Queen again receives a salute from the guards returning to their barracks on a specially erected platform.


From a photo album of the royal family


Slides: 19 Words: 2104 Sounds: 1 Effects: 82

Stars are mysterious bodies. The starry world around us is surprisingly diverse. The life of stars is the same. Mass of the star. When the hydrogen is mostly burned out, the star shrinks even more. Neutron stars. Stars similar to our Sun are the main population. The neutron star is compressed. The number of galaxies in the Universe is estimated at 200 million. Star Altair. 3C58 - Remnants of Nova. The remnant of a nova explosion. Supergiant star. Young pulsar. A star in the Eta Carinae nebula. NGC 1850. Star cluster. Cluster M19 (NGC 6273). M50 is a dim star cluster. - Stars.pptx

starry sky

Slides: 12 Words: 302 Sounds: 0 Effects: 49

Universe. Man has always been attracted to the sky; for a long time he dreamed of going into space. Stars on the sky. Late in the evening you see many stars in the sky. Constellations. The stars in the sky are grouped. Groups of stars are called constellations. Name the constellations that you know. Assignment for young astronomers. Ancient Greek legend. A legend has come down to us from the ancient Greeks. Planets. Planet Earth. The earth is the habitat of man. Earth is the third planet from the Sun in the solar system. The age of the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years. Shells of the Earth. Moon. In 1609, Galileo first looked at the moon through a telescope. Sun. - Stars 1.ppt

Stars on the sky

Slides: 19 Words: 1963 Sounds: 1 Effects: 72

History of the names of stars and constellations. Evolution of stars. Myths in astronomy. General characteristics of stars. Life cycle of a star. Temperature determines the color of a star and its spectrum. Chemical composition. Star radius. The surface of the star is 4 R 2 . The history of the constellations is very interesting. There are a lot of constellations - 88. The winter sky is the richest in bright stars. What did the ancient Greeks say about bears? There are many legends about Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Big Dipper. "Burnout" of hydrogen. - Stars 2.ppt

Distances to stars

Slides: 14 Words: 339 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Distances to the stars. The concept of parallax is associated with the name of one of the basic units in astronomy - parsec. 1 parsec = 3.26 light years = 206,265 astronomical units = 3.083 1015 m. The shifts in the positions of the stars must be measured too small - less than one hundredth of an arcsecond! The distance to stars can be estimated using the spectral parallax method. Using spectral lines, you can estimate the luminosity of a star and then find its distance. The supergiant in the constellation Scorpio is Antares. The Hipparchus satellite determined distances to stars with high accuracy. Hipparchus. Even in ancient times, the brightest stars were called stars of the first magnitude. - Stars 3.ppt

Stars and constellations

Slides: 14 Words: 259 Sounds: 0 Effects: 25

Starry sky. On a cloudless and moonless night, far from populated areas, about 3,000 stars can be distinguished. The entire celestial sphere contains about 6,000 stars visible to the naked eye. Starry sky in the area of ​​the constellation Auriga. The most famous group of stars in the northern hemisphere is the Ursa Major Dipper. Ancient astronomers divided the starry sky into constellations. Hipparchus. Ptolemy. Thousands of years ago, bright stars were conventionally connected into shapes called constellations. Constellations Ophiuchus and Serpens from Flamsteed's atlas. Images of constellations from the ancient atlas of Hevelius. Calf. Whale. Cassiopeia. - Stars 4.ppt

World of stars

Slides: 52 Words: 1042 Sounds: 0 Effects: 8

World of stars. K. E. Tsiolkovsky. Stars. Sun. The birth of a star. Stars are supergiants. Stars are dwarfs. Temperature of stars. The brightness of the stars. Light year. Constellations. Star map of the northern hemisphere. Star map of the southern hemisphere. Star cluster. Orientation by the stars. Zodiac belt. Aries. Calf. Twins. Cancer. A lion. Virgo. Scales. Scorpion. Sagittarius. Capricorn. Aquarius. Fish. Constellation Ursa Minor. Constellation Hercules. Constellation Cepheus. Constellation Bootes. Constellation Perseus. Constellation Auriga. Constellation Cygnus. Constellation Aries. Cetus constellation. Constellation Pegasus. Orion constellation. - World of Stars.ppt

starry sky

Slides: 16 Words: 535 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Starry sky. Celestial sphere. Ancient astronomers. Bright stars. Constellation images. A section of the celestial sphere. Johann Bayer. Bright stars. The stars were the main landmarks. Letters of the Greek alphabet. Ursa Major Bucket. Constellation Ursa Major. Stars. Winter triangle. North hemisphere. - Starry sky.ppt

Characteristics of stars

Slides: 82 Words: 1296 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Content. What are stars? Stars are hot balls of gas. About 4.5 thousand stars can be seen in the sky with the naked eye. Starry sky. All the stars move across the sky. Movement of stars. Polar Star. Characteristics of stars. Distances to the stars. Some stars closest to Earth. Sun. Proxima Centauri. Sirius. Procyon. Parallax method. Color. Temperature. Range. Luminosity L. Types of stars. Main sequence stars. The structure of main sequence stars. Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Giants and supergiants. Supergiant star. A star whose mass is 10 times greater than the Sun. - Characteristics of stars.ppt

Basic characteristics of stars

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Basic characteristics of stars. Distances to the stars. The distance is determined by the parallax method. Distance to the star. Small angular displacements. The angle at which the radius of the Earth's orbit is visible from a star. The parallaxes of stars are very small. Distance from the Sun to the nearest star. The parallax method is currently the most accurate method. Temperature of stars. The temperature of stars is determined using Wien's law. Luminosity of stars. Like the Sun, the stars illuminate the Earth. Masses of stars. Spectral classification of stars. The color of a star depends on temperature. Lines of ionized helium. - Basic characteristics of stars.ppt

Mass of stars

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Basic characteristics of stars. Spectrum-luminosity diagram. Astronomers are building giant telescopes to detect faint emissions from stars. Main sequence. The Sun is also a main sequence star. The densities of main sequence stars are comparable to the solar density. Red giants. Supergiants. Betelgeuse is a red supergiant. White dwarfs. An example is the star Sirius B, a satellite of Sirius. The mass is almost equal to the Sun, and is 2.5 times larger than the Earth. Masses of stars. Masses could only be measured for stars that are part of binary systems. - Mass of stars.ppt

Evolution of stars

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Evolution of stars. The Universe consists of 98% stars. Stars are the main element of the galaxy. Stars are huge balls of helium and hydrogen, as well as other gases. Astronomers are unable to trace the life of one star from beginning to end. Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Star forming regions. Eagle Nebula. Orion Nebula. Gravitational compression. Compression is a consequence of gravitational instability, Newton's idea. Protostar. As the density of the cloud increases, it becomes opaque to radiation. A graph of the evolution of a typical star. Giants and supergiants. A white dwarf in a cloud of interstellar dust. - Compress stars.ppt

Structure of stars

Slides: 13 Words: 238 Sounds: 0 Effects: 119

Physical nature of stars. Masse. Sizes. Luminosity. Temperature (color). Age. The building. Color and temperature of stars. Arcturus has a yellow-orange hue, Arcturus. Rigel. Antares. Stars come in a variety of colors. the crossbar is white and blue, Antares is bright red. For different stars, the maximum radiation occurs at different wavelengths. Harvard spectral classification of stars. One. Shaved. American. Dates. Chewed. Carrot. Class. effective temperature K. Color. Blue. White - blue. White. Yellow - white. Yellow. Orange. Red. Luminosity of stars. Radii of stars. Stars. Comparative sizes of stars. - Structure of stars.ppt

Stars and their structure

Slides: 62 Words: 730 Sounds: 0 Effects: 6

The structure and evolution of stars. Stars made of degenerate matter. Degeneration. Pressure of a nonrelativistic degenerate electron gas. White dwarf mass limit. Limit number of fermions. Sirius V. Theory of relativity. Effects of general relativity on Earth. Quark state of matter. Systems of two neutron stars. Masses of BHs and NSs in binary systems. Dimensions. Hot spot. Conditions at the center of the Sun. Height of the homogeneous atmosphere NZ. Thermonuclear combustion of the atmosphere. Explosions of classic New ones on BC. Thermonuclear explosions. Oscillations during thermonuclear explosions. Spreading layer spectrum. - Stars and their structure.ppt

The structure and evolution of stars

Slides: 69 Words: 2405 Sounds: 0 Effects: 8

Stars: structure and evolution. Classification of normal stars. Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. Luminosity classes. Internal structure of the Sun. Physical basis of the internal structure of stars. Hydrostatic equilibrium. Polytropic model. Special cases of polytropic models. The White Dwarf Theory. The exposed core of a star. Sirius V. Radiation transfer in stars. Opacity of matter in the interior of stars. Equations of stellar structure. Model of the Sun. Mass-luminosity relationship. Eddington luminosity limit. Nuclear energy sources of stars. Nuclear reactions in stars. Proton-proton cycle. - Structure and evolution of stars.ppt

Physical nature of stars

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Physical nature of stars. Our Sun is a yellow star, the temperature of the photosphere of which is about 6000 K. The same color is Capella, whose temperature is also about 6000 K. The color and spectrum of stars is related to their temperature. In hot blue stars with temperatures above 10,000–15,000 K, most of the atoms are ionized. Fully ionized atoms do not produce spectral lines, so there are few lines in the spectra of such stars. The Pleiades open cluster contains many bright, hot stars that were formed at the same time from a cloud of gas and dust. The blue haze accompanying the Pleiades is scattered dust reflecting the light of the stars. - Physical nature of stars.ppsx

Black holes

Slides: 25 Words: 473 Sounds: 0 Effects: 65

Black holes are the end result of the activity of stars whose mass is five or more times greater than that of the Sun. After all nuclear fuel reserves have been used up and reactions have stopped, the star dies. When a star explodes, a supernova occurs. Structure of a black hole. Far from the hole, the rays bend slightly. If the beam passes very close to the hole, it can capture it into a circular orbit or suck it into itself completely. A singularity is all the matter of a black hole collected into an infinitesimal point. The event horizon is the boundary of a black hole. Astronomer Karl Schwarzschild, in the last years of his life, calculated the gravitational field around a mass of zero volume. - Black hole.ppt

Black holes of the Universe

Slides: 18 Words: 1013 Sounds: 0 Effects: 36

Black holes and dark matter. Composition of the Universe. Dark matter. Classification of dark matter. Hot dark matter. Cold dark matter. Warm dark matter. Difficulty. Black holes. Terrible experience. Region in space. The question of the real existence of black holes. Collapsed stars. History of ideas about black holes. Detection of black holes. Supermassive black holes. Primitive black holes. -


Slides: 19 Words: 2104 Sounds: 1 Effects: 82

Stars are mysterious bodies. The starry world around us is surprisingly diverse. The life of stars is the same. Mass of the star. When the hydrogen is mostly burned out, the star shrinks even more. Neutron stars. Stars similar to our Sun are the main population. The neutron star is compressed. The number of galaxies in the Universe is estimated at 200 million. Star Altair. 3C58 - Remnants of Nova. The remnant of a nova explosion. Supergiant star. Young pulsar. A star in the Eta Carinae nebula. NGC 1850. Star cluster. Cluster M19 (NGC 6273). M50 is a dim star cluster. - Stars.pptx

starry sky

Slides: 12 Words: 302 Sounds: 0 Effects: 49

Universe. Man has always been attracted to the sky; for a long time he dreamed of going into space. Stars on the sky. Late in the evening you see many stars in the sky. Constellations. The stars in the sky are grouped. Groups of stars are called constellations. Name the constellations that you know. Assignment for young astronomers. Ancient Greek legend. A legend has come down to us from the ancient Greeks. Planets. Planet Earth. The earth is the habitat of man. Earth is the third planet from the Sun in the solar system. The age of the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years. Shells of the Earth. Moon. In 1609, Galileo first looked at the moon through a telescope. Sun. - Stars 1.ppt

Stars on the sky

Slides: 19 Words: 1963 Sounds: 1 Effects: 72

History of the names of stars and constellations. Evolution of stars. Myths in astronomy. General characteristics of stars. Life cycle of a star. Temperature determines the color of a star and its spectrum. Chemical composition. Star radius. The surface of the star is 4 R 2 . The history of the constellations is very interesting. There are a lot of constellations - 88. The winter sky is the richest in bright stars. What did the ancient Greeks say about bears? There are many legends about Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Big Dipper. "Burnout" of hydrogen. - Stars 2.ppt

Distances to stars

Slides: 14 Words: 339 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Distances to the stars. The concept of parallax is associated with the name of one of the basic units in astronomy - parsec. 1 parsec = 3.26 light years = 206,265 astronomical units = 3.083 1015 m. The shifts in the positions of the stars must be measured too small - less than one hundredth of an arcsecond! The distance to stars can be estimated using the spectral parallax method. Using spectral lines, you can estimate the luminosity of a star and then find its distance. The supergiant in the constellation Scorpio is Antares. The Hipparchus satellite determined distances to stars with high accuracy. Hipparchus. Even in ancient times, the brightest stars were called stars of the first magnitude. - Stars 3.ppt

Stars and constellations

Slides: 14 Words: 259 Sounds: 0 Effects: 25

Starry sky. On a cloudless and moonless night, far from populated areas, about 3,000 stars can be distinguished. The entire celestial sphere contains about 6,000 stars visible to the naked eye. Starry sky in the area of ​​the constellation Auriga. The most famous group of stars in the northern hemisphere is the Ursa Major Dipper. Ancient astronomers divided the starry sky into constellations. Hipparchus. Ptolemy. Thousands of years ago, bright stars were conventionally connected into shapes called constellations. Constellations Ophiuchus and Serpens from Flamsteed's atlas. Images of constellations from the ancient atlas of Hevelius. Calf. Whale. Cassiopeia. - Stars 4.ppt

World of stars

Slides: 52 Words: 1042 Sounds: 0 Effects: 8

World of stars. K. E. Tsiolkovsky. Stars. Sun. The birth of a star. Stars are supergiants. Stars are dwarfs. Temperature of stars. The brightness of the stars. Light year. Constellations. Star map of the northern hemisphere. Star map of the southern hemisphere. Star cluster. Orientation by the stars. Zodiac belt. Aries. Calf. Twins. Cancer. A lion. Virgo. Scales. Scorpion. Sagittarius. Capricorn. Aquarius. Fish. Constellation Ursa Minor. Constellation Hercules. Constellation Cepheus. Constellation Bootes. Constellation Perseus. Constellation Auriga. Constellation Cygnus. Constellation Aries. Cetus constellation. Constellation Pegasus. Orion constellation. - World of Stars.ppt

starry sky

Slides: 16 Words: 535 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Starry sky. Celestial sphere. Ancient astronomers. Bright stars. Constellation images. A section of the celestial sphere. Johann Bayer. Bright stars. The stars were the main landmarks. Letters of the Greek alphabet. Ursa Major Bucket. Constellation Ursa Major. Stars. Winter triangle. North hemisphere. - Starry sky.ppt

Characteristics of stars

Slides: 82 Words: 1296 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Content. What are stars? Stars are hot balls of gas. About 4.5 thousand stars can be seen in the sky with the naked eye. Starry sky. All the stars move across the sky. Movement of stars. Polar Star. Characteristics of stars. Distances to the stars. Some stars closest to Earth. Sun. Proxima Centauri. Sirius. Procyon. Parallax method. Color. Temperature. Range. Luminosity L. Types of stars. Main sequence stars. The structure of main sequence stars. Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Giants and supergiants. Supergiant star. A star whose mass is 10 times greater than the Sun. - Characteristics of stars.ppt

Basic characteristics of stars

Slides: 24 Words: 1340 Sounds: 24 Effects: 52

Basic characteristics of stars. Distances to the stars. The distance is determined by the parallax method. Distance to the star. Small angular displacements. The angle at which the radius of the Earth's orbit is visible from a star. The parallaxes of stars are very small. Distance from the Sun to the nearest star. The parallax method is currently the most accurate method. Temperature of stars. The temperature of stars is determined using Wien's law. Luminosity of stars. Like the Sun, the stars illuminate the Earth. Masses of stars. Spectral classification of stars. The color of a star depends on temperature. Lines of ionized helium. - Basic characteristics of stars.ppt

Mass of stars

Slides: 11 Words: 531 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Basic characteristics of stars. Spectrum-luminosity diagram. Astronomers are building giant telescopes to detect faint emissions from stars. Main sequence. The Sun is also a main sequence star. The densities of main sequence stars are comparable to the solar density. Red giants. Supergiants. Betelgeuse is a red supergiant. White dwarfs. An example is the star Sirius B, a satellite of Sirius. The mass is almost equal to the Sun, and is 2.5 times larger than the Earth. Masses of stars. Masses could only be measured for stars that are part of binary systems. - Mass of stars.ppt

Evolution of stars

Slides: 21 Words: 472 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Evolution of stars. The Universe consists of 98% stars. Stars are the main element of the galaxy. Stars are huge balls of helium and hydrogen, as well as other gases. Astronomers are unable to trace the life of one star from beginning to end. Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Star forming regions. Eagle Nebula. Orion Nebula. Gravitational compression. Compression is a consequence of gravitational instability, Newton's idea. Protostar. As the density of the cloud increases, it becomes opaque to radiation. A graph of the evolution of a typical star. Giants and supergiants. A white dwarf in a cloud of interstellar dust. - Compress stars.ppt

Structure of stars

Slides: 13 Words: 238 Sounds: 0 Effects: 119

Physical nature of stars. Masse. Sizes. Luminosity. Temperature (color). Age. The building. Color and temperature of stars. Arcturus has a yellow-orange hue, Arcturus. Rigel. Antares. Stars come in a variety of colors. the crossbar is white and blue, Antares is bright red. For different stars, the maximum radiation occurs at different wavelengths. Harvard spectral classification of stars. One. Shaved. American. Dates. Chewed. Carrot. Class. effective temperature K. Color. Blue. White - blue. White. Yellow - white. Yellow. Orange. Red. Luminosity of stars. Radii of stars. Stars. Comparative sizes of stars. - Structure of stars.ppt

Stars and their structure

Slides: 62 Words: 730 Sounds: 0 Effects: 6

The structure and evolution of stars. Stars made of degenerate matter. Degeneration. Pressure of a nonrelativistic degenerate electron gas. White dwarf mass limit. Limit number of fermions. Sirius V. Theory of relativity. Effects of general relativity on Earth. Quark state of matter. Systems of two neutron stars. Masses of BHs and NSs in binary systems. Dimensions. Hot spot. Conditions at the center of the Sun. Height of the homogeneous atmosphere NZ. Thermonuclear combustion of the atmosphere. Explosions of classic New ones on BC. Thermonuclear explosions. Oscillations during thermonuclear explosions. Spreading layer spectrum. - Stars and their structure.ppt

The structure and evolution of stars

Slides: 69 Words: 2405 Sounds: 0 Effects: 8

Stars: structure and evolution. Classification of normal stars. Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. Luminosity classes. Internal structure of the Sun. Physical basis of the internal structure of stars. Hydrostatic equilibrium. Polytropic model. Special cases of polytropic models. The White Dwarf Theory. The exposed core of a star. Sirius V. Radiation transfer in stars. Opacity of matter in the interior of stars. Equations of stellar structure. Model of the Sun. Mass-luminosity relationship. Eddington luminosity limit. Nuclear energy sources of stars. Nuclear reactions in stars. Proton-proton cycle. - Structure and evolution of stars.ppt

Physical nature of stars

Slides: 20 Words: 42 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Physical nature of stars. Our Sun is a yellow star, the temperature of the photosphere of which is about 6000 K. The same color is Capella, whose temperature is also about 6000 K. The color and spectrum of stars is related to their temperature. In hot blue stars with temperatures above 10,000–15,000 K, most of the atoms are ionized. Fully ionized atoms do not produce spectral lines, so there are few lines in the spectra of such stars. The Pleiades open cluster contains many bright, hot stars that were formed at the same time from a cloud of gas and dust. The blue haze accompanying the Pleiades is scattered dust reflecting the light of the stars. - Physical nature of stars.ppsx

Black holes

Slides: 25 Words: 473 Sounds: 0 Effects: 65

Black holes are the end result of the activity of stars whose mass is five or more times greater than that of the Sun. After all nuclear fuel reserves have been used up and reactions have stopped, the star dies. When a star explodes, a supernova occurs. Structure of a black hole. Far from the hole, the rays bend slightly. If the beam passes very close to the hole, it can capture it into a circular orbit or suck it into itself completely. A singularity is all the matter of a black hole collected into an infinitesimal point. The event horizon is the boundary of a black hole. Astronomer Karl Schwarzschild, in the last years of his life, calculated the gravitational field around a mass of zero volume. - Black hole.ppt

Black holes of the Universe

Slides: 18 Words: 1013 Sounds: 0 Effects: 36

Black holes and dark matter. Composition of the Universe. Dark matter. Classification of dark matter. Hot dark matter. Cold dark matter. Warm dark matter. Difficulty. Black holes. Terrible experience. Region in space. The question of the real existence of black holes. Collapsed stars. History of ideas about black holes. Detection of black holes. Supermassive black holes. Primitive black holes. -